The Housewife's Secret - Animated Scary Story

Door on her husband
he was lying face up
motionless struggling to breathe

she made her way out of the house and
into the evening Twilight
down an alley through a small clutch of
trees and up the ancient stairs to a
local shrine
she tossed five yen into the offering
box clap twice and then prayed
her thoughts quickly overwhelmed her and
she dropped to her knees sobbing she let
out a moan in pain and sorrow and
dropped her head once more weeping all
the while
and then a dry old man's voice spoke to
her from the Shadows
you're in great pain I see I can help
thee for a fee
my husband is dying she croaked back
there's nothing you can do
so you've given up then have you
I think not if you had you would not be
she knew he was right this voice from
the dark beneath the shrine she also
knew she had nothing to lose
so she bit
what do you want in return she asked
what do you mean she asked like go to
cow's meat no The Voice began
human flesh a higher form of sacrifice
provide the Flesh and I will provide a
this is absolute Madness she thought
but she was willing to try anything
to lose her husband would be losing her
entire world
show me this Talisman then she demanded
and he did
from the darkness below a golden glint
caught her eye
it became more glowing and beautiful as
it moved closer to her
and she reached out for it
no snap the voice first the flesh

I shall return she committed and you
shall give me the Talisman her
expression turned
or I will gut you like a fish
stay calm young lady The Voice beckoned
you'll need a clear head to complete
this task
a day passed and later that night the
ladies stepped from within the trees and
made her way up the stairs to the shrine
her arms wrapped as if she was carrying
a small child
she clutched it closer as another person
on their way down past her side
arriving at The Shrine she knelt down
and spoke
an arm for a talisman
nothing there was no reply
she knelt lower and could hear the
sickly slurping sounds of something like
a slug slithering towards her an arm for
a Talisman she spoke louder
and then the sloping stopped and a small
voice spoke out
you have it then do you show me this arm
tomoko unwrapped the cloth she was
holding to reveal a fresh bloody human
good croaked The Voice pass it down to
the Talisman first she demanded
a small rectangle was pushed from out of
the Shadows along the floor by a small
gnarled hand
the same hand quickly snatched the stain
cloth package and then disappeared back
into the pitch black
tomoko clutched the Talisman to her
chest and swiftly ran off into the night

a week had passed and Tomoka firmly
believed that once she had placed the
Talisman by her husband's bedside
his condition had improved he was no
longer in a silent incomato State he
would often moan and gasp as if trying
to communicate with her once more
she pondered the possibility of
attending the shrine once again and
cutting another deal in the hopes of
even further Expediting her husband's
then a knock at the door broke her train
of thought
who could this be she silently
she opened the front door to a police
officer who was opening his wallet to
reveal his badge
sorry to bother you ma'am he spoke as he
flashed his credentials
I'm Constable iwasagi from the kodocho
division do you mind if I ask you a few
stared at his badge
and then deep into his eyes
silently just staring at him
I'm sorry ma'am do you mind if I ask you
some questions
she snapped out of it no of course
please go ahead what's this about
thank you look there's been a dead body
found in the area and we were wondering
if you may have seen anything suspicious
or have noticed anything at all out of
the ordinary in the last week or so
why no
nothing at all she quickly responded
are you sure please think hard now
do you know who the person is the body
you found
yes it's been identified it was a person
who was here on Business from out of
town the next of kin has been located
and notified
oh good she said somebody I'm glad the
family knows
she then began to close the door on the
officer look he began here's my card
please call me if you see or hear
anything that might help us
the door closed before he could hand
over the card
tomoko retreated back into her house
slightly shaken by what she had been
told but trying not to let it sink in
she decided to retire early that night
however we'd fail to sleep soundly much
like any other night
in recent times
it didn't take long before her mind was
made up the sleepless night was the
Catalyst and she found herself on her
knees at The Shrine once more
the creature came forward from the
shadows and had happily entertained her
a larger piece of Flesh was the asking
price this time for a Talisman twice as
she committed and returned the next
night with a severed leg fresh bloody
and quickly snatched by the creature
beneath in exchange for a Talisman twice
the size and purportedly twice the power
tomoko clutching the Talisman close to
her chest walked swiftly into the woods
disgusted with herself for what she had
done she kept drilling into her mind
though that it would all be worth it if
it meant saving her husband's life
a week had passed and her husband's
condition had still not improved in fact
she was convinced that he was getting
she was Furious caring for her husband
was a full-time job continuous changing
of his dressings and constant
administration of drugs to alleviate the
it was all slowly taking its toll on her
she had not eaten in several days and
was beyond hungry feeling frail and
angry so left the house to buy groceries
from a Night Market
it was on her way there that she saw the
it was pleading for any information on
the multiple murders in the area
police claimed they were following up
several leads however we're demanding
local citizens to remain Vigilant and
not to venture out alone
especially at night
tomoko immediately grew anxious and half
ran all the way back to her apartment
she closed the door behind her dropped
her bags and fell back against the door
a large Moon came from the bedroom
Beyond her husband
needing attention
and she slipped down onto her backside
hung her head and cried
she was at her Wit's End and didn't know
how she would be able to carry on
early the next morning she was a nervous
she hadn't slept as her husband had been
crying out in severe pain throughout the
she needed to find some peace they
decided to make her way to the shrine
once more
to pray and attempt to find some comfort
in doing so
just as she was about to step out of the
wood she saw several police cars at The
Shrine and offices in every direction
scouring every inch of the surrounding
she peered through the leaves a face
hidden in the shadows
and then decided to return home as
quickly as she could
as she turned a police officer was
blocking her exit she let out a small
cry at the shock of seeing him
I'm sorry to stuttle you Miss the
officer began this area has been
designated a crime scene and is off
limits to the public I'm going to have
to ask you to leave
tomoko looked over at The Shrine
officers were cutting black plastic bags
from underneath the shrine to a nearby
oh I see tomoko managed to get out what
happened here
we've apprehended an old homeless man
who had been living under the shrine
a homeless man tomoko was confused
yes we strongly believe you may be
connected to the murders in the area I
shouldn't share this however the
decaying remains of several skeletons
have been found along with him
several she gasped for air as the words
left her mouth Yes it appears we have
found our man please head back home now
and practice some discretion until some
official statements are made
of course tomoko replied and then fled
back to her home just as several news
teams began to descend on the area
she returned home and cried
she had been fooled the talismans were
worthless tricked by a filthy deformed
cannibalistic homeless man
her husband groaned from the room Beyond
she winced at the sound she was done she
had no idea what to do with him
she knew the end was near
that evening she tuned into the local
news with an odd feeling of guilty
and then she saw it
she saw several other local people had
been arrested for murder
they had apparently all been regular
visitors of the shrine
and they had all fallen for the old
man's demands
like tomoko they all thought they'd been
communicating with a higher deity
and if they were compliant to its
commands they would get what they wanted
and also like tomoko they had all been
fooled a huge moan came out of the
bedroom and then silence
tomoko couldn't pull herself away from
the television though not yet
not until she had heard it all
she watched to the end and switched it
and sat in silence
they were all going to be tried for
and she Rose to her feet
but not her no
not her
she walked into the bedroom
her husband's blanket had fallen off his
he wasn't breathing
he was dead
she stared at his lifeless form
missing an arm
and a leg

huge thanks to all who support us
through patreon and an extra special
thanks to the dark Cosmos Five played
Destiny Christina Patrick like and
Richard Turley


"The Housewife's Secret - Animated Scary Story"

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