10 Terrors This Year | SCARY GHOST Videos

This first ghost video was uploaded to TikTok by user Shermanoneal apparently while

driving down a desolate Oklahoma Highway at 2AM Sherman says that quote a ghost was recorded

by one of his driver's cameras

did you catch it captured on the truckers dash cam a mysterious bright white figure

can be seen standing on the right side of the road the highway is completely empty no

cars no lights no one around and Sherman says that when his drivers stopped to take a look

this mysterious figure was nowhere to be seen apparently this section of the highway is

completely desolate and no houses are around for miles TikTok users agree with Sherman

that this white figure standing in the road is a ghost caught on camera but what do you

think did Sherman's driver capture a ghost in their headlights let me know what you think

this next ghost capture you're about to see was taken by ghost hunter
Rob Crabtree while on a ghost hunter Todd Morden Unitarian Church graveyard in West

Yorkshire rob a member of a group of paranormal investigators felt drawn to a specific gravestone

he decided to take some pictures but didn't notice anything unusual at the time however

upon reviewing the photographs later he saw something unexpected in the photos captured

by Rob Crabtree we can see a mysterious white Mist above the tombstone however in this photo

the mysterious white Mist looked surprisingly shaped like a woman in Victorian style clothing

Rob believes that this ghostly figure is that of a woman named Sarah Agnes whose grave is

beneath where this white Mist was photographed but what do you think did Rob capture a ghost

on camera during his Ghost Hunt at the Todd Morden Unitarian Church graveyard let me know

what you think in the comments below

This creepy video has been shared before however I haven't seen it posted on any other channels

recently the video you're about to see was recorded by a man named Steve Ballard while

he was investigating the former artillery Fort Grain fought Grain Fort was constructed

in the 1860s to defend the Confluence of the River Thames and the river Medway during a

period of tension between England and France the tunnels are said to be incredibly haunted

and the cries of children in wailing women have been heard echoing out of the tunnels

late at night presumably mourning the loss of their fallen military loved ones Steve

and his group decide to investigate the tunnels alone or so they thought

this has been played about half speed

now watch
did you see it?

as Steve just said did you see it as the light hits the end of the tunnel a dark figure appears

out of nowhere and bizarrely walked straight through a solid wall and just moments later

when the light hits the same spot there's nothing there YouTube viewers were Amazed

by this capture with many saying that this is one of the best shadow figures ever caught

on camera but what do you think is this really a shadow figure caught on camera or just a

trick of the light you tell me

this scary moment was luckily captured on the dash cam of a car following a taxi down

empty streets at night nobody was expecting this to happen

a quick flash of something rams straight into the side of the taxi causing it to swerve

and crash into a tree the title of this video uploaded by user Wah Lao Eh! Singapore is Ghost

runs into taxi but what do you think is this something paranormal or is the mysterious

light something else entirely comment and let me know what you think

this next horrifying clip was uploaded to the TikTok account Fernando Correa X Fernando

and his friends were enjoying a day in the pool filming themselves for their social media
when they accidentally caught this terrifying moment

behind three friends someone in what looks like a white dress with long wet hair can

clearly be seen standing with them she sinks away into the background and seems to totally

disappear as the three friends dip under the water Fernando claims that they watched everything

back from that day and that there was no sign of anyone wearing clothes like that near the

pool despite reporting the incident to the pool staff and reviewing the CCTV footage

no one wearing the same clothes as this mysterious figure was found TikTok viewers were left

horrified by this creepy video uploaded by Fernando with many commenters saying that

this creepy figure could possibly be the spirit of someone who drowned in the pool but what

do you think happened here let me know your thoughts in the comments foreign

this next terrifying clip was uploaded to the TikTok account Ashley meredith1529

Ashley has a baby monitor installed that sends notifications and videos straight to her phone

one night while she was out of the house with her entire family including her baby she received

an unexpected notification from her baby monitor surprised she opened the app and was horrified

by what she saw these are the pictures I get from my baby's baby monitor detects his face movements

sound everything and send it right to my phone so I can see what's going on with him uh one

particular night my husband and my kids and I were out and about and I get a notification

on my phone that there is movement and a face mind you my baby is with me and my kids are

with me and my husband is also with me so of course my mind goes to oh my gosh there's

somebody in my house so I look at my phone and this is what I see

what is that look at the eyes the nose and the face and like it's clearly a face right

like that looks like hair but this is clearly a face and it's not my baby let's go back

to reference what my baby looks like on the monitor clearly a baby right I mean he's sleeping

he looks at the camera like it's clearly a baby I have no words because I have no idea

what this is and I've showed it to several of my friends and they don't know what it
is either and this is the only video I cannot play back all the other videos of movement

in motion and faces I can play back except for this one and it's obviously very grainy
but I'm a little freaked out by this and it hasn't happened since but it's been on my

mind a lot lately because I don't understand how this I mean unless it was a glitch which
is possible but honestly it's it's a little unsettling because we just moved into this
house a few months ago so what do you guys think this is a glitch or something else sure

and we don't have any dolls or anything so it can't be like anything in the crib because

there's nothing what do you guys think this is recorded on Ashley's baby monitor a face

that Ashley doesn't recognize can be seen Ashley claims that at the time this face was

captured no one was in her home what's more is that the video where this unknown face

appears in seems to be corrupted and can't be played back Ashley who uploaded this video

to TikTok in search of answers says that she has no idea who this is and Tick Tock

viewers were horrified but they left their suggestions in the comments one of the top

comments was by Laurie who asks if Ashley knows the history of her house and that she

should probably look into it another commenter says that this is the exact reason why they

turn their baby's monitor off when their baby isn't in the crib as they don't want any unexpected

surprises like this however Wicked Lacey suggested Ashley use a couple of apps to enhance the

grainy image taken by the baby monitor and Ashley made a video doing just that okay sorry

I haven't been on today but I did see this comment and I was gonna give that a try to
see if maybe it would look more like a glitch or like maybe my baby or my three-year-old

got mixed in with an image um but I'll let you guys decide what you think um I even reverse

imaged it on Google and I saw nothing so hold on this is what it looked like after I colorized

it with just like the colorize app
so the same okay
remedy app I hope I'm saying that right

um a little more detail this time like not sure what that is or that or any of that still

a big no for me so I'm trying to debunk everything I'll be working on it the next few days I'm

also looking up the history of the house yeah I don't know you guys I don't know I don't

know I know I'm laughing and I know like I'm it's a nervous laugh it's not like I'm taking

this as a joke like I really I just don't know like I don't know I don't know yeah it's

weird it's just weird that's all I can say so I'll keep looking um we're gonna check

out the attic in a little bit so I'll let you know so what do you think is going on
here did Ashley's baby monitor capture the face of a ghost or is Ashley making it all

up let me know your thoughts on this one

this next scary video was uploaded to the YouTube channel KaRecordz there's very little

information about the video except that it was filmed during an exploration of an abandoned

house at night where the Explorers encounter a very scary surprise

as the Explorers turned the corner they suddenly realize there's someone watching them from

the Darkness at first it's impossible to see just who or what is watching them but if we

slow it down we can see what looks like a creepy little girl with glowing eyes staring

eerily at the pair from the dark depths of this abandoned house they only catch a glimpse

before the person holding the camera panics and they flee the abandoned house at first

like this commenter says it could just be a detailed picture that they saw but going

through the frames you can see that this creepy figure is actually moving YouTube viewers

were left terrified by this video uploaded by car records with many agreeing that it's

a good job they fled when they did is who knows what could have happened if they went
in further but what do you think these explorers caught on camera at this abandoned house leave

a comment below with what you're thinking

this next creepy clip was captured on a car's dash cam near to Kane River in Louisiana USA

there's not much to go off other than the caption which tells viewers to watch out for
the creepy girl who shows up

did you see her right next to the busy road a creepy figure possibly a girl is the uploader

says can be seen crouching in the grass and as the car gets closer it turns his head and

stares directly at the car and creepily appears to wave at the driver Tick-Tock viewers were

left creeped out by this weird figure at the side of the road with many wondering just
what on Earth is a girl doing there at night all on her own some say it's a quote fantasma

which translated in English means ghost but who do you think this could be drop a comment

below with your thoughts on this one [Music] this clip comes from TikTok uploaded by

milesiane on the 3rd of April this year and has gone viral due to how creepy it is the

video shows Mallory taking a video of her child when something unexpected happens cheese

while mallories child is saying cheese for the camera he wanders towards a
doorway then he looks up is if he can see someone standing in the room Mallory asks

who are you talking to to which her child says Papa and then waves happily at whatever

or whoever is in the room creeped out by this Mallory quickly checks inside the room to

see who her child was referring to but there's nobody in there Tick Tock viewers have been

left creeped out by this video uploaded by milesiane due to how believable it is with

one of the top comments saying that this is actually pretty common with little ones his
pawpaw is watching over him but what do you think did Mallory's child really see a ghost

comment below and let me know what you think

the final ghost video comes from the popular paranormal Channel ghosts of Carmel Maine Kent Burris

The Man Behind The Ghost of Carmel main channel is documented numerous video evidence of the
terrifying Paranormal Activity he and his family have encountered in and around their

haunted house I've featured several of Kent's video clips before and most people agree the

videos are incredibly compelling after calling off his investigations at his home Kent decided

he needed to take a closer look at the strange things that happening in his haunted house

this time Kent his noises coming from upstairs thinking it's his wife he goes to check and

ends up capturing this on camera

Kent hears a loud noise coming from the bedroom directly above him he goes up to check but

when he opens the door to the bedroom a mysterious dark figure quickly moves horrifyingly towards

him and slams the door in his face at first Kent assumed he'd accidentally walked in on

his wife while she was changing and she wasn't happy about having a camera pointed at her

in her private space but when Kent tells his grandson dude that the noise was just his

Nanny up in the bedroom Jude tells Kent something chilling his Gran was actually in another

room on a different side of the house Kent immediately checks and is horrified to discover

his grandson Jude was right he goes back to the room to investigate and captures this

no I thought that was you up in the bedroom sorry so I go back up to the bedroom and there's

nobody up there but there's something strange that was captured that I didn't see in real


did you catch that captured on Kent's camera but invisible to the human eye a mysterious

dark silhouette of a woman can be seen passing right by the window the figure can only be

seen for a split second but if we slow it down we can definitely see that someone or

something crosses right in front of Kent well this is far from the only activity in this

house Kent Records multiple voices through his EVP device that mentions demons and that

evidence of blood rituals have been found in the basement below Kent's house Kent explains

to the camera that he decided to stop all his investigations at his haunted house because
every time he tries to find out what's happening a member of his family ends up seriously injured

or worse but after giving it some thought Kent decides to let one last investigator

into the house to help him figure out what he's up against now after the investigation

the activity in the house has increased even in moments when Kent was not expecting to

see anything

while Kent is relaxing on his bed a voice can be heard calling his name then on the

other side of the room a strange white Mist crosses in front of the Wardrobe Kent notices

it and turns to take a look and he sees something which chilled him to the Bone

when Kent turns to take a closer look at the movement he spotted out of the corner of his
eye he's shocked to see something at the door he grabs his phone to record it but his memory

is full so he takes a photo instead and captured in the photograph snapped by Kent Burris we

can see clearly a cloud of white Mist in the shape of a human figure standing in the doorway

Kent says that after the photo was taken the mist simply disappeared ghost of Carmel maines

viewers were terrified by this mysterious dark shadow figure lurking upstairs in Kent's

bedroom and by this mysterious figure snapped in the photo many agree that the evidence

Kent is documented and uploaded is authentic and true but what do you think did Kent capture

Paranormal Activity inside his haunted house you tell me thank you so much for watching

today's video if you're a fan of scary content make sure you check out either of these two
videos here and if you enjoyed this video please hit the like button and subscribe so

you'll never miss any of our weekly uploads see you next time


"10 Terrors This Year | SCARY GHOST Videos"

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