The Accident - Animated Scary Story

When faced with a traumatic or
disastrous event
people try to make sense of the incident
some follow the official cause
some believe in conspiracies and in
severe cases
especially to those involved some go
into a fugue state
as a defense mechanism in the end the
most logical cause is usually the most
however there are cases with details
which cause one to wonder whether
else was at play
i worked as an orderly at a hospital
some seven years ago
it was a decent job for me i got to help
others i met a lot of different
characters daily
i was later assigned to the night shift
it was alright
i actually enjoyed it as it was much
less hectic and i could spend some time
with the patients
one particular night in october i was
delivering medicine to a patient
to get to his ward one would have to
pass through a long
corridor it had windows revealing the
i had walked down this corridor many
times before
but one detail that night made me stop
in my tracks
from that window one could see a banyan
tree opposite to the hospital across the
main road
the weird thing was a part of the trunk
was bulging out
it looked as if the bark had accumulated
on that specific part of the tree
creating an unnaturally large growth
i was about to cast it off as something
that happens in nature when i saw
two red circles suddenly appear on the

i watched perturbed as the bark began to
unfold sprouting arm-like appendages
and swiftly clambered up the tree into
the foliage
unnerved i quickly moved to my
and apologized to the patient for taking
some time
now i was a person who believed in
but was not superstitious by any means
i deduced that it should have been some
kind of animal
then i saw it again
two weeks later i was making my rounds
and had to deliver medicine to the ward
down that corridor
while walking my curiosity got the
better of me
and i looked outside
there was a figure standing still
outside the entrance
it was that animal but i began to doubt
it was any i knew of
it was covered in what looked like bark
think of an owl's head
strapped to a human body then give it
sickles for fingers
it just stood there staring at me
i couldn't help but look into its
piercing red gaze
i walked slowly away as its head turned
in the same direction
in the following months i would spot the
owl man
as i would call him again and again
sightings began increasing from once in
a fortnight to every week
then every few days to a point where he
makes his presence known
every night the eerie part
was that it was getting closer once
i saw a tap on the corridor window
and then soon after it was inside the
actual corridor
its gaze constantly tracking me like a
messed up looking security camera
one day i was having a rough time and
was not really in a good mood
i was doing some paperwork at the front
desk and i saw it in front of me
i mustered up the courage to tell her to
get lost
still motionless peeve i just stormed
out of the area
interestingly i did not see it for the
next two days
it felt slightly odd but i was relieved
and tried to forget about the incident
however this was when things really
started to go south
my sister all of a sudden fell very ill
to the point where she had to be
admitted to the hospital
while she was there i made it my
priority to check on her every night
on one of these nights i went in to
check her ward
open the door of her room and peered in
to see how she was
he was there he was there standing over
her as she slept
the red gaze shifted from her to me
staring into my soul
my fear turned into concerned anger and
i shouted at it to leave
my sister woke up due to the commotion
causing the creature to crawl out the
open window

i ran to shut the window and lock it i
turned to see my sister looking startled
and confused
not wanting to put her under any
additional stress especially due to her
i lied that a bat had entered and i
chased it out i coaxed her back to sleep
in hindsight that reaction for a bat
would have made her wonder about my
after about a month she started
recovering and was thankfully discharged
soon after
it would not end there though as two
nights later i was running errands
outside the hospital building
a loud screech brought my attention to
the top of the building
there was the owl man perched on the top
we exchanged stairs for what felt like
as we did i felt a terrible sense of
and angst then he let out a
blood-curdling mix of a screech and a
whale before sprouting large shadowy
before flying away into the night along
with its dreadful

the very next day a massive fire broke
out in the hospital
over a hundred people would lose their
lives in the incident
by some stroke of good luck i had gone
out to buy a snack with a friend
just before the fire the firefighter's
report stated that a leaky oxygen tank
in the tank room was to blame
that together with faulty wiring and
negligence on the hospital's part
resulted in the disaster
now i want to accept the official
but the encounters i had made me wonder
was the
owl man trying to warn me of the
to this day i still believe the owl man
was the harbinger of death
or even worse the true cause

what what do you want now

no is it not enough i can't do this
i won't do this anymore

no please stop it leave us alone

fine fine i'll do it
but please leave after that please
please just leave

The Accident - Animated Scary Story

"The Accident"

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