Serbian Dancing Lady Animated Horror Story - Urban Legend Animation

It was a dark moonless night and the
small Serbian town of svet's daughter my
co-worker Anna and I were walking home
after a long day and decided to take the
shortcut through the alleyway of the
we hummed a tune to pass the time the
only sound accompanying us was a soft
shuffling of leaves under our feet the
streets were empty
except for a few Stray Cats starting
around in the shadows
I bent down and fed them half my
sandwich from lunch as we neared the end
of the street a chill ran down my spine
the cat started hissing and yelling in
Terror then ran past us it was then that
we saw her a woman dancing straight
she was standing on the other side of
the street illuminated only by the
flickering light of a nearby Street Lamp
at first I thought she was a street
Trust In traditional Serbian clothing
with a long flowing skirt that swayed
with her every movement
but as we got closer I noticed that
something was off
her movements were unnatural jerky and
her face was expressionless her eyes
vacant we turned around and quickened
our Pace wanting to put some distance
between us
but the dancing lady followed
her movements becoming more frenzied
so we ran we tried to lose her but she
was right behind us
and Anna tripped and fell I couldn't
stop running I looked back
prolonged fingers reached out and
grabbed Anna by the shoulder
her nails digging into her flesh
she struggled to break free
but the dancing woman was too strong
I screamed in anger cursing The Stranger
and ran over to free Anna the strange
woman smiled from ear to ear and
released her she immediately grabbed me
her grip tightened and I could feel her
hot breath on the back of my neck
she whispered something in a language I
didn't understand
but even if I had I don't think I would
have been able to comprehend the madness
in her voice she pushed me to the ground
as she danced around me I felt a sense
of overwhelming dread I sat there Frozen
in Terror
the woman continued to dance
moving with a Grace and fluidity that
seemed Supernatural her movements were
wild and her face was contorted into a
grotesque grin
I tried not to fixate on her and looked
around for an escape
then she pulled out a knife and I knew
that I was in the presence of something
evil something beyond my comprehension
the dancing lady seemed to be in a
trance lost in a world of her own but
she wasn't alone
suddenly I heard a scream coming from
behind me I turned to see Anna being
dragged Away by two figures dressed in
black they were faceless featureless
Shadows their movements silent and Swift
I tried to run after them but the
dancing lady helped me back with a
strength that defied her small figure
Anna screams echoed through the empty
streets growing fainter and fainter
until they faded away completely
I was left alone with a dancing lady
her movements growing more frenzied by
the second
I knew that if I didn't get away soon
I would suffer the same fate as my
friend with a burst of adrenaline I
managed to break free and run as fast as
I could in the opposite direction
I didn't look back until I had reached
the safety of my own apartment building
and when I did
I could have sworn I saw the woman
floating in the air in the distance
as I fumbled with my keys I could feel
the dancing lady's eyes boring into the
back of my head
but when I took one last look as I
closed the door she was gone I bolted it
shut and ran inside and panicked as I
called Anna's cell phone there was no
response I called a few more times and
each call went straight to voicemail
a thousand thoughts were running through
my head maybe she was able to fight them
off and run away but dropped her phone
in the process
perhaps it was already safe at home and
passed out in exhaustion
or maybe she isn't picking up because
she can't then Anna finally called me
and they sighed in relief
but when I answered the phone hello all
I heard was the sound of heavy breathing
and then the foreign language I felt
dread in the pit of my stomach so I hung
up on whoever that was and immediately
called the police
they told me they'd be at my place in
five minutes
I sat on my couch shaking and counting
down the seconds until I would be
the hairs on the back of my neck stood
I looked over at my balcony door
and there she was the dancing lady
holding Anna's head in one hand and her
bloody knife with the other I nearly
she just kept dancing while scratching
the glass door with her knife
Her Moves were more erratic as I watched
her move from side to side I was
despite my fear I couldn't look away it
was as if I was under her spell
entranced by her dance
I slowly got up walked over slid the
door open and let her in and had lost
control of my body we started dancing
together our eyes were locked on one
another the dancing lady wasn't like
anything I had ever encountered before
her movements were eerie and unsettling
and her eyes seemed to pierce through my
very soul and she pulled up her knife to
the side of my neck and whispered in her
language again I wanted to scream and
punch her but I couldn't then we heard
the police sirens my Saving Grace as
they ran up the stairs and started
banging on my door the dancing lady
kissed me farewell on the cheek then
jumped out the balcony into the night I
stared into the darkness the only sound
was the pounding of my heart
and then I fainted
the next morning I woke up in the
I sat up in bed sweating and shaking
I sat there lost in my thoughts as the
doctor took a few tests and discharged
I asked about Anna and the dancing lady
and they looked at me confused and
checked my head once more as I left I
called Anna's family I didn't know how
to explain what had happened to their
but as we talked I realized something
strange Anna's family didn't seem to
remember who she was
it was as if she had never existed
I tried to brush it off as a bizarre
but the more I thought about it the more
it troubled me
and then I remembered the strange
language the dancing lady had spoken to
so I scoured the internet and spoke to
locals for any clues that could shed
light on the mysterious woman
it turned out that the dancing lady was
a demon
a powerful entity capable of possessing
those it encountered forcing them to
dance until they died of exhaustion or
were consumed by Madness
The Faceless Shadows that took Ado were
her minions
I knew I had to do something so I
started to learn everything I could
about her
her weaknesses
I prepared myself for the inevitable
Showdown I went to the cathedral where I
first encountered the dancing lady and
it was a dark moonless night much like
the one when I first encountered her but
this time I was armed with my knowledge
she appeared out of thin air
I stood my ground and faced the demon
head on
the battle was fierce
and at times it seemed as though the
dancing lady had the upper hand
but I refused to give in drawing on all
my strength and then in a final burst of
energy I struck her with a powerful blow
sending her reeling backward
for a moment there was silence
and I thought that I had won
but then with a roar she lunged forward
her body twisting and contorting in an
unnatural dance I braced myself for the
worst ready to face whatever the demon
had in store and remember that demons
could be weakened with the power of
and so I began to recite the prayers my
grandmother had taught me as a child as
I prayed her movements became more
and then in a blinding flash of light
she was gone
leaving me standing alone in the
darkness the memory of that night still
haunts me to this day
I don't know what the dancing lady
wanted for me
I learned that there are things in this
world that defy explanation forcing us
to confront the limits of our own sanity
in the end there was no escaping the
Serbian dancing lady she had claimed me
as her own
and I was doomed to be her Eternal dance


"Serbian Dancing Lady Animated Horror Story - Urban Legend Animation"

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