The Pontianak - Malaysian Urban Myth - Animated Scary Story

When remy moved into his new town
he had no idea he was going to fall in
love at first sight with a beautiful
and that too
one that was married
he was shopping for food at the market
when he saw her
ethereal and a light yellow dress
her hair loose over her shoulders
a single pink hibiscus was tucked behind
her ear
she was breathtakingly
her skin blemish free
her hands dainty and her demeanor
he was smitten and he knew it
he simply couldn't stop looking at her
she invaded his dreams and his thoughts
during the day
and he had to know who she was
so the next time he saw her at the
market which was a sunday
he followed her all around the
and then to her home
every instinct told him he was making a
mistake and that it was wrong
but he also couldn't help himself
she didn't live far from the market and
he saw her walk into a small well-kept
and he watched her enter and closed the
remy found a window ajar and opened it
he peered in and to his disappointment
saw a man with her
she was smiling at him
and the man didn't smile back your
latener he said what took you so long
when will you cook my meal now
no i kept smiling
i'm sorry dear husband i'll cook your
lunch right away
remy felt his heart sink the woman he
had fallen in love with was married
he should walk away now
but he couldn't
nurse allure kept him rooted to the spot
she was no longer in his vision as she
headed into another room
no doubt the kitchen
his eyes turned to the man who produced
a knife and then placed a stone on the
he began sharpening the knife
remy watched the man
this man should have been happy and
considered himself lucky to be married
to such a beautiful and kind-natured
yet he was not
there was something off about the man
who sat there sharpening knives
a few minutes later nur came back into
the room with a plate full of food i
cooked your favorite today dear emir
amir still didn't crack a smile
he remained stoic and remy noted the way
the husband's hand gripped tight around
the knife when nir neared him
he let go and ate his meal while nurse
sat down next to him talking about her
when a meal was done
she took away the plate and washed the
amir returned to sharpening tools from
his box
remy found it odd that no hadn't eaten
when no returned amir spoke to her
it's a full moon night
you will stay indoors and close all the
windows and lock all the doors
ner nodded obediently
she turned towards the window and remy
it was time for him to go
he returned home and gave himself every
reason there was to not go back and see
but as night fell and the moon rose
remy couldn't resist the temptation of
seeing her again
so he went back to nurse house
the door was closed the window shut
and he heard the cries of a woman and
then a man screaming at her
the cries almost sounded inhuman
his heart gripped with terror but remy
gathered up his courage and advanced
towards the house
he raised his fist and pounded on the
stay away he heard a mere bellow from
don't hurt me no wail
her pained cries gave redmi the courage
to push himself against the door over
and over until he heard the wood crack
he leapt inside and was horrified at the
sight before him noah was cowering in
the corner the shadows masking her
amir was standing before him a hammer in
his hand
his face contorted in an ugly grimace
get away from her remy cried out and
went over to her
no amir warned as remy approached ner
remy took a candle from the table and
went to nur she was turned and facing
the wall and he noticed a nail sticking
out the back of her neck
you brute how could you do this to your
he reached over to pull out the nail but
amir grabbed his wrist you don't know
what you're doing
remy ignored the r8 man and took hold of
the nail and he pulled as hard as he
could leave her amir shouted get out of
here but remy didn't listen
using all his strength he pulled the
nail that was brought deep into ner's
and amir jumped back
he heard her cry at first and then
suddenly there was
silence not even an owl hooted
a sweet floral fragrance wafted into his
he looked at a mirror and saw the color
rush out of his face
his eyes were wide with terror
remy looked back at nura and felt the
hairs on the back of his neck stand up
his heart skipped a beat and his hands
turned cold
no was no longer the dainty woman he had
seen and fallen in love with at the
the smell of flowers was quickly
replaced by the stench
of rotting flesh
nur towered before him her dark hair
veiling her face
then a strong gust of wind was remy to
his back and exposed noah's monstrous
face her eyes glowed red and her wide
mouth was filled with numerous pointed
she lunged forward and remy prepared for
an attack only to realize
she'd gone after a mirror
using her sharp nails she easily
penetrated his abdomen and tore out his
organs using both hands she feasted on
them while amir gasped his last breath
remy watched her
he glanced at a mirror as his hands
twitched before they still
a pool of blood formed beneath them
remy stood aside frozen
watching nerd avow the organs and then
eye off the pull of blood
considering it before crawling forward
and lapping it up
not a drop of blood remained
as nurse slurped it all
remy kept willing himself to head for
the door and run but he couldn't he was
frozen with fear his mind unable to
grasp that the beautiful woman was just
a facade
the truth was that she was a monster
a vampiric being
nur licked her blood-soaked hands
and then her eyes found him
she uttered a deep growl
remy shivered but he was finally able to
he shattered his frozen stance and ran
towards the door but no was already
there slamming the door shut
she grunted her chest heaving her dress
was plastered against her completely
drenched in blood
please please let me go he begged
her bones cracked as she came towards
he backed away slowly until his heel hit
the nail that he had removed from nur's
he finally realized what must have
amir had found this monster somewhere
a pontianak a creature he had only heard
about until today
he must have subdued her by planting a
nail behind her neck
this was his only solution
his only chance at escape
nur turned her head sideways watching
he bent to one side and picked up the
she didn't move
she kept watching
her hands flexing
remy gathered up his courage once more
he charged at her just as the pontiac
prepared to attack
he caught her by the throat and pushed
her down
his eyes searched the floor and he found
the hammer placing the nail behind her
neck he used the hammer to smash it into
the pontia neck uttered a shrill scream
her hands curled and flexed before
transforming into a humans
her skin
had color once more
he turned her and her eyes were no
longer red and her sneer was no more she
looked like the innocent woman he had
fallen in love with at first sight
don't hurt me no pleaded
even after all that had just happened
remy was still entranced by her beauty
he should leave but he couldn't
he looked over at the man lying beside
him or rather his remains
i'll not do it again no began it's the
full moon
it makes it harder for me to control my
transformation even with the nail
please stay with me
i'm sorry i can't remy was quick to
he then leapt to his feet and ran from
the house
and after he left the village promising
to never return
two years on he did in fact return once
again to conduct trade
he went to the market once more
and there he saw nurse shopping she
looked the same
she had not aged today
he followed her once more right to the
he peeked in and saw her
with another man
they looked happy with each other
remy grew jealous despite knowing the
truth he couldn't help but be attracted
to nir
that night was a full moon night he saw
that nir had left the main room to
retire for the evening
remy then carefully approached the
bedroom window of the cottage
he heard nurse squirming crying out in
she was trying to subdue her
aided by the single nail he had driven
into the back of her neck
her fingernails tore deep into the
mattress trying to stop herself from the
violent rage that would make her rip
open doors
are you all right my dear remy heard the
man say
nurse still sniffing the air
she turned her head everywhere and remy
wondered if she had been alerted of his
she went over to the door clawing at it
but she was still human and lacked the
he heard the man on the other side of
the door giving her encouragement
assuring he still loved her and she
could stop herself from becoming a
remy's jealousy grew
he leapt into the room through the
window as silently as he could
and pulled out the nail from the back of
her neck
nurse screeched and he saw her transform
remy rushed towards the window and
jumped out landing hard on the ground
but he couldn't allow himself any time
to recover
he pulled himself to his feet and ran as
fast as he could
behind him he could hear the sounds of
flesh tearing and the painful cries of a
remy smiled to himself
no one could have no
no one

hey there
thank you to all who support us through
patreon your contribution goes a very
long way to keep the nightmare tales
coming and if you're not a patreon yet
please consider joining also a very
special thanks to the dark cosmos who
bought us lunch it's very much
i hope you'll all continue to support us
and we'll continue to strive for our
goal to bring you the highest quality
content we can

The Pontianak - Malaysian Urban Myth - Animated Scary Story

"The Pontianak"

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