The Bus Stop - Animated Scary Story


On a dark, Autumn night, a lady who had just finished conducting a training session

at a factory in the countryside stood alone at a bus stop patiently waiting

for the bus to arrive and take her back into the city. Ten minutes had passed. "The

bus should have arrived by now." she thought to herself, and yet there she
still was waiting. Then, out of the corner of her eye she saw something. A man was

slowly approaching towards the bus stop and her. "Please don't be weirdo" she

thought to herself. "Where the hell is this bus?" Sure enough the person

entered the light of the bus stop and she was filled with a feeling of dread. The

homeless man wreaked of a foul odor. "$3" he said. "Excuse me?"

she replied. "$3" he repeated. "I'm sorry, I don't have $3" she replied, and then he

just stood there silently staring at her. She became quite afraid at this point. She

was about to ask him to move away when he spoke again. "$3" She had had enough.

this guy was genuinely giving her the creeps and she felt scared and
vulnerable. "Look I don't have $3!" she snapped at him. "Now leave me alone or

I'll call the police!" He looked at her, then he looked around
and then, just left. He walked past her and headed on his way down the road,

into the night. He had moved on but this certainly didn't make her feel any

better. She replayed in her head what had just transpired and then quickly began

to think of what she should do next. She was all alone in an unfamiliar area

waiting for a bus that looked like it would never come. Now she felt extremely

frightened. What if he came back? What would she do then? As she decided to get

her phone and call a taxi, the bus arrived. Oh thank goodness she thought,

and as soon as the door opened she jumped aboard and took a seat.
Her heart was racing but she was safe. The door closed and she asked the driver,

"How much?" The driver replied, "$3" As he knocked her unconscious,

switched out the lights, and then drove away off into the night.

The Bus Stop - Animated Scary Story

The Bus Stop - Animated Scary Story

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