Tomino's Hell - Japanese Urban Legend 11 - Animated Scary Story

Late 90s saturday nights in the
outskirts of london england from 7 to 10
at the underground solutions show on
1096 fm
it was prime time and the program had an
extremely large and loyal following that
tuned in each week to listen to the
bizarre mix of ambient tunes
experimental music and general
commentary in banter
on june 13 1997 a horrible incident
occurred at the station
to which there were no witnesses and the
events that took place
could only be pieced back together from
the show's tape recordings
at 7 pm the show began as usual at the
conclusion of the ambient zone with the
presenter of that program
exiting the station and leaving the host
of the underground solution
java sematics alone it was the last time
anyone ever saw jarvis alive
for the next 90 minutes an eclectic mix
of random noises was conveyed across
the airwaves that was until the phone
and jarvis had received his first call
of the night
the caller spoke curtly you should have
received my letter today
why won't you read it jarvis was
confused what letter
i didn't receive any letter
liar the voice spat back is this how you
treat your loyal fans
wait a second java started and then the
line went dead he stared at the console
for a moment before apologizing to his
and then asked them to stay tuned for
the new music ahead
when he had a crash from the station

he turned the music back up and went to
he called out once then twice to no
before turning the light on and making
his way down the hallway towards the
he turned another corner and called out
to no reply once more before flicking
the light switch on and quickly scanning
the room
there was no one there there was however
a large stack of records on the floor
that had fallen off a desk
and as he approached them to pick them
up another stack fell to the ground
nearly giving him a heart attack he
laughed and then grabbed a bunch of them
as he did so he noticed out of the
corner of his eye
a letter in his pigeonhole when he was
sure wasn't there when he came in
or was it returning to the desk just as
the song was ending he faded out the
music and flicked the microphone back on
he then told the listeners that the
previous caller was absolutely right
he had indeed received some mail
tearing it open he noticed that there
was no return address
and that the paper stock it was written
on appeared to be handmade
like old japanese washi paper
he informed his listeners that it looked
like someone had sent him a poem
a poem entitled tomino's hell
his eyes scanned it and he quickly
realized that this was no ordinary poem
it was horrific he read the first verse
to give his listeners a taste of its
the elder sister vomits blood
younger sisters breathing fire while
sweet little tomino
just spits up the jewels
he then stopped and then asked them for
a quick poll
by calling in if they wanted to hear
he said a song to play while continuing
to read the rest of the poem to himself
it was disgusting shocking and pure
evil it seemed however something
compelled him to go on
as he sat back in his chair his
switchboard rapidly lit up
and he was pulled out of his trance and
was convinced his listeners wanted to
hear more
he answered a few calls and each and
every one of them begged to hear the
all by one a lady's voice
almost in tears pleaded with him not to
read it aloud on air
she explained that the poem was based on
an old japanese curse
and that if read out aloud jarvis would
surely die
and his soul would suffer eternally in
jarvis thought this was hilarious
the lady was now in a panic and tried
desperately to warn him of the horrible
before he laughed her off and hung up

jarvis then went on to read the poem in
its entirety that night
and what happened next will never fully
be explained
over the next hour an unprecedented
amount of unfortunate events occurred in
the city of london
however it was never confirmed just how
many of the victims had been listeners
of the show
it was written off as a mere coincidence
by the authorities
however in the months that followed the
general public could not understand how
so many people
from so many walks of life could fall
ill have horrible accidents
and some even die in such awful ways
so quickly the radio broadcast had
fallen silent soon after the reading of
the poem that night
and jarvis himself was found deceased at
his desk his entire head
severed off with such clean precision it
still baffles medical professionals to
this day
and the poem he had read aloud well that
was not found at the scene
it had vanished without a trace
a week later after a brief hiatus the
station came back on air
and continued to broadcast with the host
of the show that was once prior to
taking over the primetime slot of 7 to
never once failing to open the show in
jarvis's memory
by reading a brief prayer from his
made from old japanese washi paper

Tomino's Hell - Japanese Urban Legend 11 - Animated Scary Story

"Tomino's Hell"

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