The Man at my Door (True Horror Story Animated)

This true story takes place back in
it was a cold chilling winter night as
I'm a young mom with two girls under the
age of 10.
so naturally I was busy making dinner
for them at home
my kids were upstairs playing and my
husband at the time had left for work
early in the morning and wouldn't be
back until midnight
so it was a regular day
it was around 7 pm and as I Was
preparing dinner suddenly the doorbell
rang I was all alone on the first floor
of our house
the kitchen is across the hallway from
the door and as I turned to look at it I
saw the figure of a skinny frail man
wearing baggy clothes standing outside
our door
although it could have been a neighbor
or delivery man I Knew by the shape of
that figure that it couldn't possibly be
anyone I was familiar with
I wasn't expecting a package either the
chills ran up my body as I wondered who
could possibly be at my house during
this time
I slowly walked to the door and tried
looking out the window to see who it was
however the window on our door was very
thick and had a pattern on it so it was
impossible to determine who it could be
I walked back to the light switch a few
feet from the door and turned on my
hallway light then the porch light
rapidly he dropped to the floor and I
stood there Paralyzed by fear
now that the lights weren't I could see
more clearly
the Mana dropped to the floor and
started hiding underneath the bench that
we had on our porch what was he trying
to do what should I do I thought that's
when I noticed that there was not only a
man at our door hiding but there was
also a getaway car in our driveway
we have a close bond with all of our
neighbors and the people in the
neighborhood know each other really well
so my first instinct was to call my
neighbor who lives across the street
I called and asked him to see if there
was anything suspicious going on outside
my door
unfortunately he wasn't able to gather
any information from it
so I took it into my own hands and
called the local police station to see
if they could drive by and check the
for 20 minutes I stood in the hallway
anxiously waiting
then I heard movement at the front door
the car that was in my driveway had
pulled out and drove to another house on
my street
the man had made a run for it and dashed
to the other house as well
I wasn't sure what to think after that
and I don't really know what happened
I saw the police drive by and everything
was normal
all I know is that the house that the
man had run to was well known for
selling drugs
I assume to this day that the man had
just gotten the wrong house but I still
can't shake off that scary experience
why was he hiding in the first place
to this day I still wonder what could
have happened if I opened that door

"The Man at my Door (True Horror Story Animated)"

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