I experienced something I still can't explain I was still living at home at the time as
an only child I didn't have many friends or any hobbies to speak of so I spent most of

my free time surfing the internet looking for anything that could hold my attention
on the weekends I would wait for my parents to leave the house then like most teenagers
I would use the alone time to browse through a more devious content on the night that this

unexplainable thing happened I was getting up to the same thing I always did when I was

finally home alone I closed my door and Drew my curtains turned the lights off and grabbed

a box of tissues from the bathroom uh in case I got a runny nose while I was watching what

I was finally able to watch now that nobody was around my parents said they would be gone
all night though I knew I could stay at it for as long as I wanted of course that meant
that there were quite a few soiled and crumpled up tissues tossed into the bin but after a

couple hours I was pretty much drained and bored of just watching stuff by myself like
I did every weekend and I was starting to wish I had someone to talk to unfortunately

as I mentioned earlier I didn't have very many friends and certainly nobody that I could

call close a handful of people I could think of to text never even read my messages so

rather than beg the people I sort of knew at the time to talk to me I figured I'd have
better luck with strangers I had already known about Omegle for some time by then mostly

by watching YouTubers exploring all the different tags you can add to your search for new friends

but I'd never used it myself I didn't have friends because of my social anxiety and that

bled over to video chatting too which I wasn't super comfortable with in the beginning especially

since they were all strangers but it was better than tossing tissues all night and I figured

there was no way I'd ever see any of the people I met more than once let alone run into them

in person so I gave it a shot obviously just like anyone else would see my initial experience

on Omega was getting flooded by a bunch of creepy old men asking for my ASL I skipped

over all those guys and it really felt like I was trudging through an endless ocean of

them but even when I found somebody who looked decent I would get skipped by them it was
only my first time on Omegle but if it was supposed to be a place where you could talk
to people then that night was not a good night for it all the Freaks and Weirdos seemed to

be out and I was starting to lose hope that I would ever find anybody of Interest I thought
about calling it quits but then I felt like giving it just a few more tries that's when

I encountered the most unusual thing I'd seen all night whoever or whatever they were someone

or something they were creepier than any run-of-the-mill offender on Omegle I was immediately so petrified

by the image in front of me that I couldn't even click away from it I just kept staring
at the screen trying to figure out what in the world I was looking at I couldn't tell
if they were wearing some kind of mask or a bunch of weird makeup they barely looked
human and if they were they were severely deranged if I had to describe them it looked

like a male figure with deathly pale skin dark sunken in eyes and a strange scraggly

haircut like they were halfway dead and already starting to decompose then out of the blue

the man started meowing like he thought he was some sort of cat man it creeped me out

but I was still suspecting that I was getting pranked somehow although I had no idea how
any of this was supposed to be funny hello what's up with you why don't you talk like

a normal person after I tried speaking to him my computer screen started glitching out

and that's when the cat man jumped in the desk Landing backwards on all fours like it

was about to start spider walking in front of the camera like the possessed girl from
The Exorcist it happened so fast that I flinched and fell off my chair but I continued to watch

from the floor completely all struck the cat man stared right into the camera except his

face was upside down now from the position he was in he was still meowing too which just

added to the uneasy feeling that was building about this whole situation I'd seen so many

horror movies and it felt like any one of could come true at any moment I have expected

him to crawl out through the screen and reap my soul what the hell do you want why aren't

you doing that do you think this is funny sicko he 'd care about what I said and if

he did I think it was only upsetting him because it was then that his head Began to Twitch

as he slowly craned to the side until it was totally horizontal all the while shrieking
with one long meow opening his mouth wider and wider to the point that it looked like
he had inhumanly large set of Jaws the hell is the matter with you stop meowing at me

I was horrified by whatever was about to happen next but then the glitching the screen got

worse and uncontrollable and eventually froze blocking up the whole computer and forcing

it to crash I breathed a deep sigh of relief that the computer shut itself off I was still

dumb struck in the darkness and sitting on the floor so I have no idea how long I would

have let that go on before I came to my senses and skipped that psycho I eventually picked

myself up and left my computer alone for the night deciding to get some sleep and see if

I couldn't forget the whole thing or at least put some mental distance between me and it

it was difficult to get to sleep after being so shaken up but I did get there after calming

down for a little while the next morning things almost seemed alright I could still vividly

remember the strangeness of the cat man his annoying meowing and corpse-like appearance

but other than that everything seemed normal that was until I stood in front of the mirror

before stepping into the shower and noticed the Deep cat scratches all over my body [Music]


in my freshman year of college I still lived with my mom it was a small house in Fontana

California near where I went to school I didn't need to live in a dorm to get to know everybody

in my classes that's what things like Instagram were for and I was upping my popularity by

letting all the people I met at school follow me I kept my profile up to date with posts
and stories every day taking selfies from pretty much everywhere I went whether I was
at the movies at a fast food place in class or even at home that's just what everyone

was doing and I didn't want to alienate myself but that's when I would soon regret that decision

one evening after a long day of classes I got home and did my usual routine of studying

and having dinner with my mom I eventually got into bed ready to pass out that was when

I heard my phone buzz on the nightstand right as I was on the verge of falling asleep I
figured it was probably nothing but I reached over and checked the notification just in
case it was a text from someone important and unfortunately it wasn't it was just Instagram

letting me know that I had another new follower I was grocky and could barely read the username
but it was something like at Jonathan W and then a bunch of random numbers and characters

that and the fact that they didn't have a profile picture made it clear that this was
not somebody who went to school with me my curiosity led me to check out his page and
so I did I could see that he was following hundreds of accounts but didn't have a single
follower of his own there wasn't even a bio or linked to anything however there were a

few posts on his account as I began scrolling I noticed all the posts were of the same thing

a confusingly close-up shot of some kind of cotton upholstery stapled onto wood planks
like he was some kind of construction worker the only difference between any of them was
that it looked like some of them were taken at night while others were taken from the
daytime I figured the account was either just some thought or maybe some random weirdo so

I put down my phone and tried to go back to sleep not even a minute later my phone buzzed

again this time when I checked it was a DM from the same guy that read hey baby I immediately

realized that it wasn't a bot but an actual person I decided to respond back with who's

this admittedly replying to him wasn't the best idea but I wasn't thinking about the

fact that it would be able to see when I read his messages after that however after a few
minutes he didn't respond with anything so I put my phone down again and tried to get
some sleep I was just starting to doze off when I heard my phone yet again this time

I ignored it it annoyed me to think I was about to lose much needed sleep just to interact

with some Instagram creep I figured if I stopped reading his messages it would get bored and

move on like most of them do but that wasn't the case a minute later there was another

notification my sleepiness was already spoiled by how irritated I was so I checked it out

with the intentions of blocking him but what I so what made me realize that I was getting
dragged into something far more serious than I had anticipated he sent a candid picture

of me at school a chill ran down my spine in the picture I was in the outfit I was wearing

earlier that day but I had no idea I was being photographed by anybody but myself and my

friends he sent it with the caption that read do you like this candid shot I got of you

today this situation was seemingly just a harmless weirdo turned into something far

more terrifying I didn't know what to do so I sent him a harsh text cussing it now who

the hell are you you leave me the load or I'll send this to the cops then as soon as

[Music] soon as account so he didn't have time to respond I threw down my phone for
the last time and tried to finally get some sleep but I was so horrified thinking that
I now had a stalker on my hands I had no idea who he was or how long it had been going on

yet somehow I managed to put myself in enough denial about the whole thing and fell asleep

in the morning however I remembered everything I told my mom about the whole ordeal before

I left the house and I could tell she was concerned for me but also just as clueless
as I was I talked to my friends about it at school but none of them have ever dealt with
anything like this before either thankfully when I got home my mom had this idea of setting
up a couple of home security cameras around the house neither of us knew what this creep
was capable of so she figured we'd have the extra measure of safety to help me feel safer

we made sure to put one of the cameras in my bedroom just before I went to bed for the
night I laid down and put my phone on do not disturb I was strangely feeling comfortable

like maybe nothing was that wrong after all but just a few minutes after I turned off
my light I heard my bedroom door Creak open [Music]

I opened my eyes and that's when I saw the man in his underwear standing in my doorway
I started screaming from the top of my lungs and that's when the man suddenly lunged towards

me I began to kick and scream simultaneously just to get the creep away from me thankfully

the sounds I was making were enough to make him turn around and run out of the house my
mom came storming into my room to my Aid we stayed in the bedroom with a chair leaning
against the doorknob and immediately called the police somewhat unsurprisingly the man

didn't run very far they caught him lurking in the neighbor's yard just a few doors down
we handed over the security footage to the police and told them everything we knew and
after a few days of investigating we got the story they were able to put together the man
who snuck into my room was the same one who had been stalking me at school he had developed
an obsession over me and started taking pictures of me on campus and then eventually started

following me home but the part that terrifies me the most was how he was never a construction
worker those can fusing pictures of wooden planks with just photos he took underneath
my bed while I was sleeping in it he had been sneaking into my house and hiding under my
bed for weeks all I know is that I'll always be on guard whenever a stranger sends me a

DM or adds me on Instagram I'm always paranoid if it's that guy again

I used to think very highly of myself I was a young slim brunette and would always think

I was the main attraction in every room I stepped in at the time I lived on the 12th

floor of an apartment complex I can recall always seeing people like my neighbors and
other patrons around the building checking me out I was always being catcalled but did
no more than give them a courteous nod it took some getting used to until one night

I got inside and began to situate myself then I sat in front of my vanity and started to
do my usual skin care routine you are beautiful oh no matter what they say cause words can't
bring me down
no no no no no no no no how dare you say someone will eventually take your place that'll never

happen you hear me the next day was like every other day I would always run errands and have

random pedestrians look at me wherever I went this varied from single men to taking men

to even married men however I had this nagging feeling of dissatisfaction as I wasn't turning

as much heads as I would have liked to when I arrived home I immediately glanced at the
mirror angered at my disheveled appearance then as I approached closer to my reflection

I felt as if the answer was right in front of me I wasn't going to stay young forever
and I was afraid to lose all the beauty I possessed no oh no no no no no no this can't

be happening to me then as I scrutinized my face in the mirror I noticed some wrinkles
forming and my face slightly sagging I panicked my hands trembling in apprehension I then

grabbed my brush and started frantically combing my hair as I said I gotta do it I must do

it I will do it then without a hinge of reluctance I decided to undergo plastic surgery the next

day I began seeking consultation for medical pundits but unfortunately they all told me

the same thing that I didn't need it and that overdoing it could increase my health risk
resulting in irreversible damage however no matter what they say I constantly refused

hollering I didn't come here to get rejected I'm willing to pay you any amount just give
you what I want Miss Hannah it's not just about the money if we proceed you might I
don't care just get it done I slammed my fist on the table frightened me with doctors so

unable to persuade me we inevitably went through with the Opera operation and after grueling

hours of sedation lying flat on the operation table I finally woke up my head wrapped in

bandages upon arriving home I noticed the watchful eyes of my neighbors who were probably

curious about what had happened to me little did they know that enclosed in this cocoon
was the most beautiful butterfly just waiting to reveal itself so as I waited for my face

to heal I was filled with anticipation visualizing myself stepping on the false representation

of beauty that I saw in other women just wait and see after this I'll be the hottest girl

around town [Laughter] [Music] then when it eventually came time for the big reveal I

Stripped Away the bandages like a fascinating creature coming out of its shell and went
out into the streets to display the final stage of my metamorphosis so as I entered

the grocery store I earned a couple of stairs and compliments and as expected some of the

guys approached me asking if I was single or if they could get my number needless to
say it was flattering however as I went home I was flustered feeling my temperature rise

again I still wasn't satisfied with the Public's perception of me I felt as if I wasn't turning

enough heads as I would have anticipated despite my best efforts without looking into the mirror

I knew my face was turning red because I could feel the blood coursing through my veins boiling

with agitation so releasing my pent-up frustration I said no this can't be happening my body

quivered as I told myself it's not enough I need more more more more more My yearning

for Perfection had driven me to undergo more plastic surgeries despite the doctor's constant

opposition eventually I had more work done until I underwent 20 various procedures at

some point the doctors refused to take me in as their patient wary of the damage I might

cause to their reputation should future operations fail I loathe such people successful yet self-centered

Pricks who always thought they could boss me around but no it's unacceptable I went

on a rampage and eventually I was escorted out of the hospital and banned from ever returning

so when I arrived home I sat on the front of my vanity and began to cry foreign

but as tears poured down my face I laughed like a lunatic infuriated by the doctors who

had the audacity to refuse me I paced myself apprehensively as I thought of what to do
next at that moment I was drowning in anxiety visualizing myself as an invisible woman that

people would bump into without ever noticing me so without a doubt I searched the black

market bought what I needed put my latex gloves on and did the deed the following day I was

getting ready to step outside of the house to display a kind of beauty that was unparalleled

that was until someone knocked on my door upon opening it I noticed it was the neighbor
from down the hallway however instead of coming closer he had this horrific look on his face

as if he had seen a ghost offended I asked why are you looking at me like that stupid

neighbor I can't stand beta men like him
you are beautiful no matter what they say cause words can't bring me down this story

was inspired by a 28 year old woman who was a successful model and singer before her descent

into plastic surgery addiction there were multiple doctors that refused to work on her
anymore before she took matters into her own hands she then returned to Korea her parents

could not recognize her she has since received psychiatric help [Music]

[Music] thank you

the next story may sound fabricated but it is quote unquote allegedly true and has circulated

the internet if you do a little digging it was an urban legend that occurred around 2004-2005
in the city of Cuernavaca and Morales Mexico the following animation portrays a dramatized

version of the alleged event all parties will be given aliases to protect the identities
of all involved

there was a story so implausible that it would shake my head and roll my eyes when I ever
heard my colleagues talking about it however all of this change when someone in my family

experienced the same thing prodding me to withdraw every ounce of Doubt three years
ago my brother and his palate just left a drinking party at a nightclub they were so
wasted it was difficult to even book a cab home so as they tread across the long paved
roads struggling to avoid passing cars they saw what appeared to be a brightly lit domicile

in the distance as they approached the light source they realized that it wasn't a house
but a McDonald's fast food restaurant they glanced at the glass windows and feasted their
eyes on the menu displayed on the counter delighted to see very few customers after
all it was past midnight and not so many people were expected to be out at this hour varnished
after a long walk they decided to order some Big Macs and flump on a bench outside the
restaurant where a statue of Ronald McDonald was sitting comfortably at the edge staring
at the Statue they noticed its smile seemingly jolly and its eyes early gazing back at them

causing them to feel reluctant before they eventually looked at each other and laughed
at the childish thought Brushing in his eye a late night Pedro I'll never forget it my

brother said as he took an enormous fight dude you see that thing was giving me a bubble
she was bad wasn't she I might have to take her to McDonald's for a first date Pedro Winks

while patting him on the back well
sorry dude I can't hold it anymore the sour taste of my brother's mouth made him wretch
and so unable to contain it he headed to the trash bin where he threw up for the next couple
of minutes leaving his friend all alone with the statue on the bench having lost the strength
and interest to finish with her Pedro thought of taking a nap on the Ronald McDonald statue's
laugh and as he began to shut his eyes he grumbled and said oh my headaches have gotten
worse I wish I could just die then a creepy voice replied be careful what you wish for

Pedro jumped wondering for a moment where the voice might have emanated from however
has he listened to cars honking in tree branches falling he was convinced it was all in his
head see Pedro this is what happens when you get drunk he told himself as he resumed his

nap then amidst the silence Pedro sidon said I'm so tired moments later this same voice

from before spoke to him and replied before Pedro had any chance to react the statue grabbed

his head with both hands tightening its vice grips
it showed no remorse to continue to apply immense pressure on the skull until his entire

head was squished to Smithereens when my brother finally returned to his friend he dropped
his burger and outer Terror then as he saw Pedro's eyeballs roll across the floor he

screwed he instantly woke from a semi-stooper and banging on the door of the McDonald's

please let me in however to my brother's horror McDonald's had already closed and no one else

was there so as he glanced at the bench behind him the statue is now standing erect with

a menacing gaze showing off its razor sharp tee in a split second my brother made a run

for it into the woods although we consider this nothing but mere imagination the sound
of his footsteps quickly catching up to him we're all too real

what the hell is going on moments later the evil clown grabbed his arms he tried to break

free that's when the clown rips my brother's arm off leaving him on the ground as he wailed

in sheer Aggie [Music] the clown growled is a delight in itself and a Sumptuous meal

[Applause] s [Music] with his adrenaline rushing my brother got too speedless of the immense

pain then he ran away from the woods until he eventually arrived home as he locked the
door behind him he ran to the living room and dialed 9-1-1 with his remaining R his
hand was uncontrolled but shaking as he waited for an officer to pick up the call when he
was finally able to speak to someone my brother said wincing at the pain of his severed arm
please send the cops I know this is hard to believe but Ronald McDonald is after me and
he's about to kill me okay sir I'm sorry slow down and see it more clearly this time do

you understand but I don't have time like I said Ronald McDonald is on his way to kill

me you mean clown sir the officer asked with a hint of sarcasm and irritation yes ma'am

please hurry sir then suddenly the cops have always turned from annoyance to Delight you

[Music] made so I'm partly sorry for ruining the surprise but it's a good one sir you got

me no no no this isn't a prank lady send someone fast please I'm begging you well please sir

well played my brother panicked the officer then hung up on him [Music] moments later

my brother heard a loud thought on the door followed by constant Bang
the clown said in a demonic voice [Music] [Applause] Mr clown pounded louder my brother

only felt more anxious
[Music] I'm gonna release all my Big Mac sauce on your front door fine my brother decided

to grab a knife in the kitchen face his pursuer head-on if the cops don't do anything I will

he told himself mustering every ounce of courage he had in his body my brother looked through

the people as he listened to the clowns and sets in laughter however strangely enough
he was nowhere to be seen despite my brother's reluctance he opened the door ready to strike

the clown at will but out of nowhere the clown quickly wrapped its large hands around my

brother's head squeezing the life out of them that's when my brother began to gouge at Ronald's

eyes with his remaining hand while being suspended in mid-air by some miracle he managed to dig
his fingers deep inside the crevices of the Clown's eye sockets and rip his eyeballs out

that's when the clown released my brother from its tight grass
my brother sprinted while weeping convulsively as he flagged down a moving vehicle to bring
him to the nearest hospital when I heard about my brother's story my parents and I wanted
to report this to the police the security cameras outside the restaurant recorded the
incident however McDonald's paid off all the damage expenses including my family's debts

law enforcement and all parties involved coercing us to keep the security tapes confidential

but rumor has it the war got out to the public which caused multiple McDonald's franchises
throughout the country to replace their Ronald McDonald benches with ordinary benches since
then my brother has been in a coma almost irresponsive my entire family avoids all McDonald's

restaurants wary of a clown sitting on a bench laughs

[Music] [Applause] [Music]

I was always told that college would be the Super foundational time where you have fun
and form critical memories but five years on it from now at 27 years old there's only

one memory that sticks out and unfortunately it doesn't have anything to do with girls
or going out and partying but instead something that happened on a megal I've always been

a loner and a geek my whole life I didn't successfully come out of my shell in college
although I wanted to that's why I moved into the dorm rooms near my campus in the first
place I figured it'd be a great way to meet people and socialize but I ended up getting
straddle with huge room and board expenses on top of my tuition debt I never managed
to make any friends in my hall that's how I caved in and fell back on being a parasocial
weirdo through the Gateway of the internet through Omegle more specifically it's a website
that pairs you up with random stranger so you can text or video chat that's where I
spent most of my time trying to meet people in the online world but in a lot of ways it
was more the same of what I got in the real world most people skip me almost immediately
a lot of the people that I managed to have conversations with were older men who seemed
insightful at first but then turned out to be weird and creepy then of course there was
a classic Omega horde of people without a webcam trying to bait me to give out my ASL
but every once in a while there was a good conversation to be had with someone who wasn't
trying to seduce me I held out hope to get pair with people like them through dealing
with all the BS one night after I finished study I turned off the lights in my room so

people wouldn't see it behind me then I hopped onto a megal to look for a decent person to
talk to that night more than all the others went off to an insane start the very first
stranger I encounter was instantly showing me their bare feet I could tell it was a man's
by the hairy legs and Toes too they were standing on top of their desk with their camera pointed
straight at their ingrown toenails I was frozen by the side of it I had no idea what to say

to something like that so I didn't say anything I didn't skip though I was hoping it would
go somewhere entertaining and I was more than used to seeing exposed ugly people since that
sort of thing was utterly common to see on Omegle after a long awkward silence I tried
to open the conversation um hi hi there uh nice feet thanks I've been told um can I see

your face sir um only if you let me show you my special talent do you have a special talent

sure man bring it on spend it stay right there don't you dare click skin you got that okay

a split second later The Stranger put a watermelon size glass jar down the desk between his legs

and shouted like he was pretending to be a magician or something he then said I call
this act one man one jar are you ready to see my contortionism demonstration uh sure

I said are you ready to see my contortionism demonstration yeah man do it all right brace

yourself the man then put both his feet in the jar then he crouched down and stuffed

in his legs I watched an Aussie squeeze his entire body into it until it was completely

inside the jar his face was visible but was completely smushed up against the glass and
I could finally see his face he looked to be some balding middle-aged guy living in
a drafty old apartment then with his one Freon he reached over and grabbed a lid and somehow

managed to put it on top of himself closing the jar with his entire body sealed inside

I couldn't tell if the pressure was distorting his face or if he was just crazy but he smiled
at me very disturbingly like he was waiting for me to applaud I didn't have any words

I couldn't comprehend how a grown man had fit himself into something so small well what
do you think I I that that's very cool but can you get out can I get out of course I

can get out what that's when he tried to push the lid off but as soon as I saw it not move

the man's smile started to slowly vanish from his face I knew something was wrong he kept
trying to push himself up to get the lid off his back but he wasn't able to budget he was
too tightly packed in there to maneuver and he couldn't get any leverage from the position
he was in all of a sudden Panic was written all over him his face turned red and puffy
and he frantically tried to move whatever he could but all of it barely amounted to
anything more than rattling his cage quickly it started to seem as though he was having
trouble breathing too [Music] I don't know what to do get me out of here please but I

don't know where you are tell me where you are and I'll call the cops after the reality
it's set in that he didn't completely stuck the Panic could turn into utter despair he
was sobbing incoherently completely incapable of forming words tears and snot and truly
are streaming from his face and down inside the wall of the jar what is your location
tell me I'm in my I'm in my apartment please please come find me please God hey what's

your address please that's all I need to know and you'll be okay [Music]

no no no no no it only took me a second to realize what I had done I became so panicked

and frustrated that I accidentally pressed the skip button when I bang my fist on the
table causing me and the stranger to be disconnected forever I'll never be able to properly describe

that sinking feeling I felt in that moment knowing I had just doomed that man it was
unusual fate of slowly suffocate trapped alone unable to move my hands were shaking uncontrollably

I didn't think there was anything I could do if I called the police they wouldn't be
able to find him since I never heard his address I didn't record any of it and there's no way
of knowing where somebody is from Omega without a better idea I swore to never go back on

there I tried to forget that I was ever on Omega in the first place I actually got drunk
for the first time that night in hopes that I could go to bed and sleep without much trouble
but God knows even after all these years there's nothing that will get the image of that trap
man in a jar out of my head it's been haunting me for so long every day I wonder what happened

to him if anybody ever came to rescue him or if those moments he spent with me over
the Internet were his last moments with anyone these days I remember one man one jar as a

years ago I worked at this cheap Waxing Salon in a rundown part of town the place was open

six days a week from 9 A.M to 9pm but the only people that ever really worked there

were me and the owner herself she'd come in for the morning and work on the handful of
regulars we had then she would leave me to watch the shop from three to close since the
salon was right on the edge of the ghetto it isn't hard to imagine that the clientele
will sparse it best especially after dark I hardly remember getting any customers and

all the time I worked there mainly I would just make myself appear busy by cleaning the
same things over and over again with more and more attention to detail as the boredom
grew it felt nice in a way for the boss to trust me with the business like that and I
was getting paid by the hour so it didn't matter to me if I was actually waxing somebody
or just sanitizing the beds again even though they weren't in use all around it was an alright

gig and if nothing had happened I probably would have kept working there until it inevitably

closed down or laid me off due to lack of business but of course I wouldn't have such
a crystal clear memory of my last night working there if something hadn't happened it was
just after Sunset and I had another two hours to go on my shift so I decided to wipe down

the whole big window pane from the inside then the glass part of the front door too
it was pretty dark out and I knew I was in a sketchy side of town so I took a good look
through the door to make sure nobody was lurking out in front of the shop watching me clean
there was no one in sight so I felt safe kneeling to wipe down the bottom window pane of the

door I killed a good minute making sure it was spotless then when I was satisfied I stood

up that's when she appeared right in front of my face staring at me right on the other

side of the glass I was so shocked that I screamed and almost jumped into the air she

looked like the most severely anorexic person I've ever seen like just a sack of skin hanging

from a stiff skeleton and her eyes were so sunken in that it almost made her skull look
Hollow for a moment I thought she was dead but somehow Still Standing but then after
we kept staring at each other her neck started to Twitch tilting her head from side to side

and at the same time her mouth fell open and she began to make the most awful noise like

growling almost but something more inhuman I backed away from the door wishing I had

kept my keys on me in that moment or better yet that there was a deadbolt I could just
throw to keep her locked down but there wasn't she wouldn't stop making that sound staring

at me without blinking without even breathing I knew I'd been caught off guard so I tried

to collect myself excuse me can I help you she didn't respond I was beginning to think

she was incapable of speech without breaking eye contact with me she walked into the door

pushing it open with her body like she didn't even notice it now to my horror she was inside

the shop and she still hadn't taken a breath from that creepy clicking sound that she was
making with her throat hey what are you doing here

when I shouted at her again she stopped for a second but all she did was twitch do you

do you know where you are is there anyone I could call for you ma'am then something

in her twitched up Suddenly her eyes drifted away from me and looked off somewhere else
she took another step forward slowly and rigidly then walked past me like I wasn't even there

her Aura was so intense and so deeply unnerving that I was frozen stiff until she made her

way about six feet away from me again finally I remembered I was on the clock and I tried

to tell myself that this was just one of those weird Street people that wandered in sometimes
the only thing back where she was walking was the actual salon and she definitely wasn't
allowed in there hey hey you can't go back there custom is only hey she walked right

through an Open Door into one of the rooms and that awful sound she made followed her
in by this point I was really losing my patience with her but I was still so very disturbed

which is why I kept my distance rather than physically blocking her way in still somebody

had to deal with the situation and it just so happened that it had to be me if I wanted
to keep my job so after a few seconds I tiptoed up the doorway and cautiously peeked around

the corner the image I'll never forget is that woman having crawled onto one of the
beds with her contorted body grinding and thrashing like she was a demon being exercise

right as she snapped her neck to look at me and screaming watch me whacks me that was

my breaking point I sprinted out of the shop and didn't look back until I jumped into my
car and hid inside with the doors locked and from there I immediately called the police
and watched through the windshield into the shop to see if she did anything else while

I waited for help to arrive when they finally showed up it was only two cops in one car
they looked pretty aloof until they saw how shaken I was then they actually did an investigation

I remained outside while they walked through to go see air and I watched as they looked
all around then walked back out Trucking I couldn't believe them when they said she wasn't

in there I went back in and searched through everything they had just looked at convinced

that she had to be hiding somewhere but she was literally nowhere to be found I explained

that there was no backdoor exit and I know without a doubt that I didn't see her leave
the way she came in so somehow she had to still be in there the cops looked like they

were already done with me but they asked to see the security footage anyway right then

my stomach dropped as I remembered my Cheapskate boss had been putting off fixing the security

cameras for over two months so there was no footage of that night at all there were cameras
in there but they weren't recording they were just for showing at that the cops dismissed

every everything and left me there dumbfounded of course I quit on the spot I didn't want

to chance ever seeing her again it's been about 10 years since that night and even though
most people don't believe me I always tell this story because of how much it is stuck
with me honestly I think that woman was some kind of ghost it's the only explanation for

how she could have appeared and disappeared like that without a trace [Music]

um hmm


I've been living with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder for many years now and although I
take medication for it the treatment has never been a hundred percent effective I don't even
know what normal is supposed to feel like anymore but apparently I'm not at least that's

what the people in my life keep telling me the love of my life was the one who threw
it in my face the most we were together for quite some time and we used to love going
out every chance we got even after I started seeing my psychiatrist we did it all movie
dates dinner dates hikes through the nature and trips to the beach the whole romantic
ringer it was often documented by Instagram selfies and that sort of thing anybody who
knew US based on her social media would have guessed we were a perfectly happy couple but
the reality was not so Rosy like any couple we had our ups and downs but our lows certainly

outweighed our highs every single argument we ended up getting into got heated and out
of hand sometimes even devolving into physical altercations you're not listening to me shut

up I'm not talking to you while you're throwing things screaming at me I'm not screaming at

you I'm just upset over what I don't even remember anymore just leave me alone when

things started to blow up it always ended with her refusing to speak to me and running
off into the bedroom and kept me locked out for hours I hated being shut out but when
I eventually cooled off and heard her crying to herself on the floor I always forgot whatever
it was we were fighting about and did what I could to let her know that at the end of
the day all I wanted to do was be there for her baby I'm sorry let's not do this again
it was your fault it's always your fault I knew it was me I don't understand myself either

I wish I could for you but you have to believe me I'm trying I'm trying I don't keep trying

just please let me in I'll come out in an hour just give me some space I can't even

remember how many times that scenario played out but every time we swept the issue under
the rug and pretended like everything was okay neither of us knew how in the world we
were supposed to fix each other so we just did didn't over time I tried to figure out

ways to compensate for the problems for instance when we went out especially right after a
big fight I was always extra affectionate and touchy I knew that was her love language
or something so I figured she would appreciate the ample PDA I thought maybe it was working
because it always made her smile but then I slowly realized that it was a fake smile
out of awkwardness and that was the moment I realized she was thinking about leaving
me that made my blood boil but I was dead set on not fighting in public anymore so I
kept it bottled up and acted like I couldn't notice her rolling her eyes and making me
feel like some clingy psychotic boyfriend but when other men looked at her I snapped
all the pen up anger blew up in the face of whatever stupid schmuck had the balls to look
at my girl with some Dopey smile what do you think you're looking at Punk that's my thing
you better stop staring unless you want a pavement facial you got that stop it what's
wrong with you what's wrong with me I've got the Christmas design something that ain't
it stop shouting at me you and I need to talk I knew what that meant that was what she said

when she was about to suggest we take a break from each other but I always shut the idea
down but one night when I thought she was going to suggest time apart again she took
it a step further I can't be in this relationship with you anymore we need to just be friends

you're breaking up with me after everything we've been through together you're really
just gonna end it now yes we're toxic we're not good for each other no no no no I can't

believe you're doing this to me you traitor I pretty much blacked out when she broke up
with me I smashed everything in my house I broke Windows punch holes in the walls and
ripped the doors off the hinges and when I came to the whole place was trashed and my
girlfriend was gone the next day I called her up but she didn't reply I had to ring
her a dozen times before she eventually baby I am so sorry about last night I don't know

what came over me please please give me another chance you ran out of chances a long time

ago I know I know but can we meet one more walk along the trail we can take pictures

on Instagram and just end things properly you know fine but we aren't getting back together

I felt a lot better when I knew I'd at least get to walk through the old nature trail with
her one more time I looked forward to it all day and night and even got cleaned up a bit
just to see her the next day however even though we said we were meeting there to talk
we were both pretty quiet I tried to ease the tension by holding her hand but she rejected
it immediately from that point on she acted even more standoffish we walked a full Mile

in complete silence all we did was stop every few hundred feet to take photos of a landscape
for Instagram except this time they weren't in the photos together which definitely stopped
by the time we got to the turnaround point of the trail which was scaled up the Hillside
and looked over a cliff to the rest of the nature preserve I was honestly ready to just
be done with everything there was no point in the stupid walk together and there was
no point in even trying to talk to him let alone try to win her back the view from the
cliff was quite nice that day and we both made sure to take photos of it I got one standing
next to her by the ledge but then while she was engrossed in taking as many photos possible

I slowly backed up a few steps I've got one last picture of her enjoying the view then
ran forward and did the D

here's the alleged photograph of the girlfriend it was the last image shared via her boyfriend's
Instagram I guess you now know the disturbing backstory behind this candid photo

[Music] thinking about this story from my past always reminds me that I wasn't exactly

the most stable person in my mid-20s I had just gotten out of college at a degree in

kinesa therapy but after several months of a fruitless search for a job that was actually
in my field I settled for a job in a waxing soul I only did it because I was out of time
and needed to get some kind of income before I went completely broke but it was a completely
dead-end job in the worst part of town the area was known for robberies and gang activity
and generally high crime rates when we saw our fair share of that from the salon every
time I went into work the rotating cast of junkies that would constantly linger outside
would harass me for money or try to solicit me for a free wax or something which is a
great way to start the day in a good mood unsurprisingly I hated my life before long
for some reason the salon was wildly popular with the residents of the neighbor there was
no wonder why it was under staff the place always worry if the customers never seem to
mind probably because they didn't notice it over their own stench they were the most disgusting
sort of people that you can imagine having to work on none of them seem to care about
personal hygiene which inevitably scared off 90 percent of the employees it was like a
salon for all the bums lards junkies and low lives in the hood to hang out at I stuck it

out for a few months though and the longer I was there the more I hated myself and everyone
around me things came to a boiling point around the beginning of February that time of the
year right before Valentine's Day when everybody wants to get a wax it made the salon ridiculously

busy and since I was the newest Hive I got stuck with most of the work for days on end

I didn't get a moment to breathe between clients yet I still ended up behind having to stay
late with no overtime pay when my boss hit in her office every time they screwed me over

I got closer and closer to a full-on mental breakdown but I was doing everything in my
power to keep it together but then one day just a few days before Valentine's Day it

was time to call up an appointment for a man named Homer Homer we're ready for you at first

there was no response and for a moment I thought they hadn't shown up and I might just get
ahead of schedule but course that wasn't the case the largest hairiest man I've ever seen

walked in and smiled at me spiking my blood pressure even higher than it already was I

knew it would easily take me the rest of my shift just to wax this guy depending on what
he asked for and I was too busy to deal with that unfortunately I had no choice what kind
of wax will you be having today sir your food body wax please

Brazilian wax did I request a bbo yes I'm sure now put some pep in your step little

lady I don't have all day okay then right this way sir I kept my cool and let him into
the salon room in the back there I gave him the usual speech about undressing and getting
comfortable where I was very glad that he left his underwear on I didn't waste any time
getting to work as soon as he laid down on the table I smeared the liquid wax on his
thick matted body hair place the tape over top of it then let it rip ah it slowed down

lady I cracked a little smile at how quickly he went from a big tough guy to a screaming

little baby but I didn't let him see it I also of course didn't slow down I'm sorry
sir but that was just one out of a thousand you've still got 999 more to go 998. no can

do Mister I've got a lot of work to do and I'm not gonna spend one more minute than I
have to with you what was that I'm sorry it's hold on please something's not right oh so

you think you can tell me how to do my job is that right no no no no something just doesn't

feel right why don't you just let the professional handle their business
nope you're the one who signed up for a full body wax remember [Music]

I poured all my pen up frustration into ripping out that guy's body hair honestly I don't

think I ever worked faster something about the pain I was inflicting upon him was extremely

motivating cathartic by the time I was halfway through the big man was sobbing at The Lost
Child but no matter how much he hungry and screamed and begging to stop I told him to
suck it up and kept going actually his crying made me laugh the more pathetic yeah funnier
I found this situation I don't think I ever enjoyed a single day at that job but I did

enjoy working at home about 45 minutes late we were done I cleaned the pile of discarded

tape and left Homer in the room to get dressed while I went out to the waiting room to call
up my next client however right as I walked out the door my boss was there in my face
glaring at me like I just killed somebody she looked behind and saw her driving around
the tape looking like a shriveled up hairless Chihuahua she started freaking out and began

apologizing profusely offering him some sort of compensation before finally escorting him
out the door after he limped away she went back into the room and rubbished through my
setup to see why the appointment turned out that way and that's when she came to me with
a huge bottle of Gorilla Glue asking me if I had used it on home the funny thing is I

don't remember bringing that into work when I think about it makes sense I must have been
in a really bad mood and thought it would be a good idea but apparently waxing somebody
with industrial grade adhesive was not Humane they fired me that day which I wasn't really

impressed about my life my career my mental stability had gotten much better now that
I'm rid of that place but still surprised Homer never sued us I'm just glad he never
decided to press charges against me either as they look back and reflect on minutes I
always wondered what became of it and if he ever recovered from the damages but the one
thing I'll never notice if he ever got some for Valentine's Day


when I was in college I was a heavy party I would go to just about every house party
I heard about and I got to know a lot of people in that craft or at least I think I did I

wasn't one of those jocks or anything I was just one of those people that liked to drink
them have better memories of the beginnings of parties than I do the middle around I usually
went by myself hoping to meet people there but a lot of the time the only thing I got
to know was the bottom of the bottle one my drinking habit almost got me into serious
trouble I was at this guy named Larry's house he was a bit of a geek but somehow he had

the privilege of having this huge house right off campus that was perfect for party this
particular night was the third or fourth time I gone to a party at Larry's they were always
a blast it was packed every time and that night was even crazy it was a New Year's party

everybody was there starting from the football team the jocks the cheerleaders the Frat Boys
all the sorority girls plus the clout Chasers like me and just about every kind of person
you can imagine there was a hot tub and a pool and the most fun thing to do was to climb
on the roof and jump into the pool with a cannonball or something but nobody was allowed
to jump from the second floor balcony that was Larry's one forbidden rule no matter how
packed it got nobody was ever allowed to go upstairs of course that Drew everyone's attention

to the unlit staircase around the corner but nobody dared to break the rule Larry might
have been a nerd but he was the man in charge of the house and he had some respect for that
nobody wanted to be banned from Larry's parties and neither did I of course but unfortunately

I went a little too hard part of the New Year's party I pre-drank by Downing a couple beers
before I got there I then grabbed one within the first minute then I had another then another

and another by the time it was getting close to the new year it was on like eight or ten
the whole house was spinning and from what I heard about my behavior from others later
on I was pretty belligerent I was about five minutes from passing out when I crashed on
the living room couch and wouldn't move
at the time of the night I could hear all the commotion of people hurrying outside to

light fireworks at midnight I wanted to go out there too but I knew that amount of movement
just wasn't in me I was the last person in the house and Larry was hovering over me trying
to get me to go hey man get up you're gonna miss the fireworks nah man I'm good just leave

me here I'll be all right really man you're gonna sleep on the New Years dude I'm lit
as hell I am not moving but you're gonna get sick on my couch aren't you come on and throw
up outside if you're gonna Yak hey man I can hold my liquor I ain't never thrown up in
anybody's house just ask anybody all right I just need a nap okay so just let me be and

let me lay down all right man listen to me you better not go upstairs you hear me yeah

yeah man whatever all right just come outside if you're feeling better Larry finally left
me alone and went out to the backyard that I was alone in about half an inch from blacking
out completely the only thing that kept me conscious was what Larry had just said what
he was always saying about the upstairs the stairwell was staring right at making me wonder

why in the world he was so serious about that over all other things Larry never cared if
somebody shattered a 500 base in their drunkenness but it was like we all lived in fear of what

would happen if somebody went upstairs the Curiosity was killing me despite being hammered

out of my mind at some point I heard somebody call out that it was just five minutes before
midnight fireworks were already being set off prematurely so I felt like there was no
better time than that despite being unable to even walk I slid off the couch and crawled
on the floor to the stairway then I dragged myself up the steps I had to stop a few times
just to clench my stomach so I wouldn't Yak right on the stairs but I made it up eventually
The Landing came out to a long empty hallway that was Pitch Black I made out four doors

along the wall I crawled along the floor to the first one and reached up to open it [Music]

then I peeked inside nothing just a normal bedroom although it didn't look like anyone
actually lived in it I shut the door and made my way over to the next one same thing just

a normal room except this one was an office the third room wasn't special either it was
just a completely empty space all that was left was the fourth door at the far end of
the hallway whatever the secret was I thought it had to be behind that door I was running

out of steam but I made one last push as I got close to the door I heard muffled screaming

from outside growing louder and louder I then realized they were just counting down from
10. by then I already had my hand on the door now but I made it a point in my delirium to
wait until the stroke of midnight to try to open the door

body slammed me against the door it was like he came out of nowhere but by the time I realized
what was happening he was already putting me in some kind of Stranglehold you stupid
little snake do you have any idea what I'm going to do to you hey Scott where you at

you good can't have you puking on someone's couch again if there hadn't been that friend

of a friend downstairs I'm sure I would have died right then and there thankfully when

Larry heard them calling my name he let me go get the hell out of my house don't you
even think about coming back unless you have a death wish you hear me he said this as he
shoved me back towards the other end of the hallway the adrenaline from the situation
sober me up just enough to stand and stumble down the hall but as soon as I got to the
stairs I slipped on the first step and fell down the entire staircase whoa you okay man

you need someone to call an ambulance there was a horrible commotion when everybody saw
me hit the floor the impact was just about the last thing I remember that friend that
saved me ended up calling an Uber and getting me home ever since then I've had to avoid
Lair I always got weird looks from him at school but I guess I'm better off not partying

anymore anyway [Music]

[Applause] hmm as an Instagram model I'm quite used to seeing thousands of creepy comments

from thirsty drooling dudes on my posts especially the ones with my more seductive pictures when

I started out they never bothered me it wasn't so different from the pathetic advances I
was used to getting in person and after all those desperate men were the main source of
my income as a model when you become an adult at a time like this you have to make sacrifices

to get by but my parents were always judging me for it they said they were just concerned

but I know how they really felt the last thing I wanted to do was to be the kind of people
they are I was just waiting until I saved enough money to move out of their house and
get away from their corporate attitudes and I was going to take my dog with me her name
was Carly and she was like my sister she was always the sweetest dog but for some reason
my parents started to hate her she seemed like she had developed some kind of anxiety
disorder every night after my parents went to bed she would start barking and just wouldn't
stop she had a big voice on her too and would bark constantly all throughout the night into
her poor little voice horse the next morning I did my best to comfort her but no matter
what I did she wouldn't fly it down my parents got fed up and started leaving her in the
backyard every night of course this only made Carly more anxious but at least they didn't
have to hear it so much I had trouble sleeping without Carly she used to sleep with me in
my bed but when all that started I would lay out on the couch in the living room until
I passed out scrolling through my Instagram out of boredom one night I got so bored I
went digging through my DMs of course I almost never looked in there because it was almost
100 advances from creepy dudes and sure enough there must have been thousands of those messages

I never interacted with any of them because all my good followers knew that if they wanted
to talk to me they had to subscribe to my only fans but one night a particular account
caught my eye I'd seen him so much that I barely even noticed him anymore but when I
looked I realized he had left a shockingly desperate comment sometimes even multiple
comments on every single one of my posts not only that but he had sent me a DM literally
every single day and every message was the same just him begging to be with me and asking
for freebies along with the same Boomer selfie every day I couldn't resist looking at his
account he was a 40-something-year-old dude named Charlie with a big fat double chin and
a chubby face he was following over 2 000 accounts most of which were Bots or other
models but he had exactly zero followers himself probably because he didn't post anything except

hundreds of pictures of his face in the same pose in the same dark background which looked
like his basement I knew it was probably a bad idea but for some stupid reason I texted
him back thinking he was too digitally stupid to find my only fans hey there Charlie I know

you want to chat and see more of me but I don't do any of that on Instagram if you click
the link in my bio you can subscribe and get everything you want including private chats
with me an exclusive naughty photos and videos I didn't even have time to tap out of the

chat before he replied oh my God I can't believe it you replied I'm so happy right now thank

you thank you thank you so much you have no idea how much this means to me the most awesome
person I've ever talked to um thanks I couldn't think of anything else Austin I was off put

by the fact that he replied to my message so quickly as if he'd been obsessively waiting
by the phone for me I was already regretting the decision you're so very very welcome would

you like to video chat I'd really like to see your face my stomach quivered video calling

this guy was the last thing I wanted to do I was literally in my pajamas with no makeup
on and my hair looking a mess plus I didn't want to show face to this creep anyway I put
my phone down and try to distract myself with some TV but I couldn't ignore it between Carly

barking herself silly and my phone buzzing constantly from all of Charlie's messages
I couldn't relax at all and eventually my curiosity got too intense I had to see what

he was saying why are you leaving me on red along with a dozen manic messages he'd sent

me another selfie but this time he was shirtless revealing his chubby middle-aged body and

he was also crying I decided I had enough of him and muted him on Instagram I turned

up the volume of the TV and did my best to put the whole thing out of my mind unfortunately
I really wanted to know if he'd gotten the hint after a little while I decided to check
one more time he'd sent a bunch more pictures all of him with his face getting twisted and

red with anger like a fussy toddler that and quite a few disrespectful texts stop ducking

me stupid thought don't ignore me you [ __ ] when I read all that nasty stuff I got heated

I couldn't resist giving him a piece of my mind admittedly I didn't feel any better after
I sent that message more like I'd made some sort of childish mistake I paused the TV and

tried to figure out what I should do next I could hardly focus on anything though for
some reason everything was eerily quiet that's when I got the last selfie from Charlie he

was in Carly's doghouse crouching right over her with his arm around her face trying to
break free from his grip I rushed to my feet and ran out into the backyard straight for
Carly I found her in the doghouse decapitated she was in two pieces in a pool of her own

blood and Charlie's Footprints were all over the place
ever since then my life has never been insane how can I go back to normal when I know that

psycho was creeping in my backyard I didn't think poor Carly was just trying to warn us

the whole time but we didn't listen I don't even trust my parents anymore I live with
some friends now I've shaved my head and I never wear makeup anymore I never even wear
more than baggy sweatpants and oversized shirts wherever I go it's all in the hope that if
he doesn't find me attractive anymore he'll leave me alone I don't think I'll ever believe
it though I deleted all my social media accounts but as far as I can tell so did Charlie which

means I was never even able to report him all the police have is his shoe size but until
they find him I can never rest knowing he's still out there

foreign [Music] [Applause]

[Music] to this day I still have nightmarish memories of something that I saw in Omegle

in the winter of 2016. I was a sophomore in college at the time but I was still living

at home with my parents and not on campus that year in particular I was stuck inside

for all of winter break because we were experiencing one of the worst snowstorms the area had seen

in years since the conditions were too unsafe to go anywhere I spent most of my time studying

for online courses my schedule was loaded with so many classes which wasn't the best

for my ability to develop social skills or make friends on top of everything else and

like most guys the thing I looked forward to most about going to college was meeting
girls but I wasn't getting to do any of that so when I heard about this thing called Omegle

a website where you could randomly meet strangers I was desperate enough to be very interested

I understood from the person who told me about it that it could be a little weird so I waited
for my parents to go to bed before trying it my laptop for school was super cheap and
didn't have a webcam which meant if I actually wanted to talk to people I had to use my parents
share desktop computer in the family room I didn't want them or anyone else in my family
walking in on me talking to girls so I decided to wait it out around two in the morning I

finally snuck out of my room and hopped on the computer to try my luck and my disappointment

the first 20 or so people that I encountered were all just weird looking dudes a lot of
creepy old men who I skipped right over shirtless jocks who just wanted to talk about sports

and some geeky shut-ins like me who I skipped even though we might actually have a lot in
common I was on a one-track mind to use Omegle to meet girls unfortunately the first few

girls that I did get connected with skipped right over me when they saw that I was just
another one of those geeky shut-in types admittedly that stung every time the endless skipping

went on for 20 minutes before I finally got connected with a girl who didn't immediately
reject me I felt a little pit in my stomach form when she popped up on the screen but

it wasn't because I was nervous but because she looked really sad about something she
was just a normal looking blonde girl wearing a tank top and like most other people on Omegle

sitting in complete darkness except for the light coming off her computer screen she was
a bit hunched over with her hands supporting her on the desk right next to the keyboard
she wasn't necessarily the best looking girl but I definitely wasn't about to skip her

she was the only girl that had even given me the time of day the whole time I'd been
on and even if I only got to see her upper body that was going to be more action than
I'd get anywhere else I actually was a little bit nervous though because the first thing
I did was awkwardly wave hi there she waved back but she didn't say anything she still

had that super sad kind of weird look on her face it seemed like she didn't want to talk
out loud so I tried introducing myself in the chat box instead hey I'm Justin what's

your name when I'm looked up from the keyboard I was caught off guard by how close the girl
suddenly was to the camera her eyes were wide open too like she was making a surprised face

except her mouth was still closed whoa hey is everything okay then without breaking eye

contact she started typing so frantically and loudly that I could hear it over the microphone

the whole time she just stared into the camera with these huge bug eyes not even blinking

just typing away at a robotic speed all I could see in the chat box was the stranger's

typing message for the longest time until she finally hit the send button and dumped

the entire message on me at once I was put a little on edge when I read it because all
it said was can you please cry with me over and over and over again I didn't know what

else to do so I quickly replied back with a yes in the chat and as soon as she read

it she began to cry foreign

I actually tried to make myself form tears for her it was super uncomfortable though

I couldn't bring myself to do it no matter how hard I tried to squeeze my eyes for just
one single tear but she kept getting closer and closer to the camera until all I could

see was a close-up of the snot coming out of her nostrils oozing down her face with
all of the tears from her eyes pouring over her mouth which for some reason she kept shut

tight despite having to blow snot out of her nose just so she could breathe I really thought

she must have been going through something really tough so tough I felt like she shouldn't
cry alone if she didn't want to and since I couldn't cry with tears I started fake sobbing

and wailing a little bit but quietly so I wouldn't wake up anybody in my house I felt

embarrassed like she could tell it was all Fame after a while I couldn't take the awkwardness
anymore so I pretended to wipe tears from my eyes and typed another message hey are
you okay over there why haven't you said anything do you want to talk about wine you're crying
suddenly it was like she flipped a switch and wasn't sad anymore but excited she stopped

crying but didn't bother to wipe anything off her face with a bit of a smile she started

to type again not looking at the keyboard a few seconds later she sent a message that

read do you want to know why I had my mouth closed this entire time I was almost too scared

to say yes but I really did want to know though I typed yes why that's when I saw her read

the message then look into the camera for a moment we stared at each other in silence

then the little smile on her face got bigger as if she was holding herself back from laughing

but before she couldn't hold it any longer and finally opened her mouth a swarm of bugs

became the crawl out of it covering her entire face I screamed from the top of my lungs immediately

shutting the screen off and holding down the power button on the computer until it was
completely turned off my parents were awoken and upset that I was on the computer at this
time of night all I could do was a tribute the shouting to some random jump scare video
I watched on the internet but since then I acted like what I saw that night never happened

and never thought about going on Omegle again
all right

I used to browse through magazines and realize how average looking I truly was I've always
wanted to be someone whose Beauty would Captivate every man that passes by but no matter what
I did I was always this skinny Ordinary Girl to everyone as the years passed the sensation

persisted like a niche that wouldn't go away I became increasingly dissatisfied with myself
and wanted to look like my hot Idol Angelina Jolie at the time she was the primary standard

when it came to looks and I do anything to obtain that Fountain of beauty as a result
I received consultation from multiple doctors all of whom became the bearer of bad news
they said I didn't need it and tried convincing me to reconsider my choices but at the end
of the day it didn't matter I was going to get what I wanted and I wasn't going to let
some silly doctor tell me otherwise so one day I decided to vent my frustration to a
friend saying I do the operation myself if I could but I'm no damn doctor my friend then

peered over our shoulders to make sure no one was listening and whispered I've got a
better idea have you ever tried looking into the black market but black market no I haven't

I know someone there I'm sure you'd love him see my lips he's an expert in this kind of
stuff you should give him a try in my head there was no time for doubts all I needed
was to take action and my dream would finally come true after further discussion I learned
that the doctor had conducted numerous operations on various clients who in the end were happy

and content he had done everything from faceless to bbls the whole nine yards and the best

part was that he rendered his services at an affordable price much lower than what professionals
would charge I was adamant about looking exactly like Angelina Jolie so later that day I picked

up the phone and called the doctor hello hi um are you the doctor that specializes in
plastic surgery yes how may I help you madam my friend told me you did a great job on her

lips her name is Isabel do you remember her it took a while for the doctor to reply but

he eventually said I'm
I'm of course dear it would be my pleasure the sooner we meet the better let me give

you my address he replied in a tone that sounded reassuring moments later I was in an Uber

and upon reaching my destination a huge old house stood before me I began to be clouded
with second thoughts however despite being reluctant I took a deep breath and walked
up the steps until I reached the front door I then gingerly gave the front door a knock

upon a large decrepit man with a huge grin on his face opened the door he wore a lab

coat and had the doctor attire going on with a stethoscope around his neck and everything
he then said well hello we meet at last come inside I certainly wasn't expecting him to

look as creepy as he did his eyes were bulging out and his skin looked pale like the texture
of a dried plum but as we all know looks can be deceiving and it would be inappropriate
to judge his skills based on his physical appearance alone I stepped inside where he
led me through a dark narrow hallway I sat on top of the operating table as he began
to gather more details before the surgery so Miss Sarah how can I help you today I I

would like my face to look like Angelina Jolie how Splendid I have all the necessary tools

and chemicals to conduct the operation shall we get started I was contemplating backing
out but I've been rejected too many times at this point so it was literally Now or Never
And so after further consultation I told him exactly what I wanted I could tell he was

listening to everyone I said because once in a while he would inquire and clarify specific
points while taking down notes ensuring he didn't leave out anything significant I then
put a payment down in cash followed by an NDA contract which he made me sign before
we began the procedure as I sat there mentally preparing myself for this moment the doctor

shoved a cloth over my face
my vision was hazy and distorted by whatever the hell was on that cloth I remember vague

moments of seeing a heart monitor amniotic fluid on the side and a mask covering my face
then I could see him hovering over me saying don't worry when you wake up you will look

exactly like Angelina Jolie my darling now go to sleep

then I was out my fate was now in the hands of the man who would change my life forever
several hours later I woke up in a wheelchair my vision was still blurry and I became more

aware of my surroundings I was now in his living room I began to feel severe pain while
remaining completely immobile due to the effects of the chemicals in my body I raised my hand
and tried to touch my face but it was completely wrapped in bandages I then began to panic

however as I squirmed in the chair the doctor approached me and said don't move now stay

very stiff just take it deep breath and relax I looked him in the eyes and did exactly as

he instructed then moments later he took the same Claw from earlier and shoved it on my
face causing me to doze off again [Applause] when I woke up I was sitting in the passenger

seat of his car parked outside of my house he then told me to remove the bandages after
12 hours and to kindly exit the vehicle despite feeling sluggish I thanked him and went inside

my house I was relieved that it was over and ecstatic that I finally got it done that at

exactly 12 hours I took off the bandages keeping my eyes closed as I anticipated the big reveal

but once I removed the bandages my face looked like it had been ran over I I couldn't believe

what I was seeing I touched my face thoroughly unable to comprehend what I was seeing in
the mirror it wasn't anywhere close to becoming the next Angelina Jolie I was a freaking zombie

since that I have been living daily looking like a corpse bride look-alike regretting
that I wanted more when I could have been satisfied with what I had however traumatized

by the incident I decided to Veer away from plastic surgery fearing that I would lose
more than I already had the story was inspired by an image of a woman from Iran who got plastic

surgery to look like the one and only Angelina Jolie her decision to drastically alter her
appearance has made her quite the viral sensation we like to think her doctor was perhaps a

fan of Tim Burton
[Music] [Applause] [Music] the year 2013 me and an old colleague from college who will

call Lisa decided to open up our own business we opened up a wax Salon to be exact and leased

a location by a plaza about 15 minutes away from my place like any business at the beginning

we had to start from scratch so we had a small place with a lobby area a front desk and a

washroom and wax room on the first and second floors I was initially anxious afraid we had

to wait until customers poured in however my business partner and I were pleasantly
surprised by the decent amount of customers we'd been receiving pumped up we provided
all kinds of services from Brazilian wax and full body wax to eyebrows in the whole nine

yards the customers loved every one of them and speaking of customers we had all sorts

of people coming in from typical jock females from a nearby college and women with plans
to go out on a date to flat out hairy people one of the best parts of the job was the screaming

I don't mean to sound like a sadist but I found amusing that people would have the courage
to undergo such pain to remove all that unwanted hair in any case this was the norm and with

money constantly pouring in I didn't care what kind of clients we had but things got
weird as time went on as reliable as Lisa had been for the past couple of months she
began developing bizarre habits for instance one day Lisa carried a plastic bag with thick

red liquid oozing out moments later she revealed the contents and I found out that they were

the liver and spleen of a cow but that wasn't the strangest part if you want to know what

gave me the creams was seeing her consume them right before me there was something just
so unsettling about watching someone consume raw juicy innards although I found it odd

and undesirable I assumed it was a cultural thing and decided to be polite however I must

admit that I lost my appetite after watching her eat what's the matter ain't hungry Lisa

asked as she drew a delightful grin well I had a lot to eat this morning I reluctantly

replied as I patted my belly that's too bad and she returned to her Sumptuous meal like

a rabid animal I'd never seen her like this before so I didn't know how to react then

another time Lisa called in sick grumbling about something over the phone which I couldn't
understand kept lashing out at me with tons of gibberish so I didn't know how to respond

to her eventually I'd tell her to rest and end the call a tad worried and confused but

it became more and more frequent As Time passed so I couldn't help but feel uneasy when Lisa

came back to work again she'd sincerely apologized reverting to her usual self it convinced me

that her odd behavior over the phone was just a sign of discomfort and whenever she recuperated
we'd be able to converse like normal people again however while doing some paperwork one
day my finger bled a little in my instinct to sanitize it before applying adhesive bandages
kicked in then suddenly out of the blue Lisa rushed towards me grabbed my hand and licked

the wound like some creep hey what the hell do you think you're doing I hollered disgusted

and Afraid well I think we ran out of bandages so I did what I could to help she Grant so

I held my hand and told her I was fine then I forced a smile to let her think I was telling

the truth one night as as we worked on the last batch of customers I finished up early

and went to check on one of them

it's easy to assume that there wasn't anything unusual with it however this was different

it was incessant and desperate which sent chills down my spine something was off and

I was downright horrified so I had to creep cautiously and silently as I approached the

source of the scream then gently I opened the door and sneaked downstairs but as I came

closer I heard gargling and moaning sounds which I'd never heard from any of our customers

before I slowly made my way towards the wax room and began to quietly open the door

when suddenly Lisa came barging from behind me slamming the door shut unable to stop my

body from trembling I could see Lisa's mouth completely covered in blood looking at me

with a sadistic stare in her eyes I'm sorry I didn't mean to barge in I immediately dashed

towards the stairs hoping she wouldn't follow me then I sat by the front desk unable to

decide whether to call the cops or get the hell out of there I was so nervous that I
bit my nails constantly sweating as I curled up into a coil moments later Lisa came upstairs

reaching for my hand as she apologized about the ordeal that just took place sorry about

what just happened I just had a late lunch she said insinuating that she had a bite of
cow's liver which gave her that frightening appearance desperately trying to conceal my

fear I smiled and played along moments later she asked me to leave early insisting she'd

stay behind to clean up and close the shop without thinking twice I grabbed my purse
and ran the hell out of there eventually I called Lisa and told her I wanted to lease

out the building and never see her again what we were doing so I could tell she was confused

and hurt by the tone of her voice on the phone I had to tell her several times that I had
made up my mind and wasn't willing to compromise she eventually caved in and that was the last

time we spoke as the months passed she became a stranger to me unfortunately I never knew

whatever became of that customer but sometimes I'd wonder what could have happened if this
business had continued would she have consumed me eventually I shook my head hoping I'd never

see her again [Music] foreign [Music]

urban legend inspired by the notorious Ronald McDonald and of course the popular Big Mac

from McDonald's we wanted to animate the origin story of what caused the Big Mac to be what

it is today seeing as traditional hamburgers all look generally the same with the Big Mac
being the exception here's a disturbing animation for all the nightmare fuel fans out there

just know that we definitely emphasize the big and Big Mac

have you ever wondered why the classic Big Mac always had two patties in it maybe it's
a standout from the competition I beg to differ since hearing about the most uncoveted secret
that they've been keeping confidential for all these years for those that hear my story
don't say you heard it from me this story happened to a friend of a friend of mine we'll
call one of the guys Harold and his fellow acquaintance Kumar for the sake of the story

apparently it all started when the pair were at Harold's house watching TV and getting
under the influence I don't know what their choice of Beverage or whatever was but it
sure did give them bloodshot eyes after about a dozen sitcoms both of them suddenly looked

at each other dead in the eyes and shouted in unison I got the munchies you got any food

come on man I know your mom probably hooks you up with leftovers from a restaurant my
mom works at a massage parlor you idiot geez well I could use a happy ending too the pair

both head to the kitchen to check if there was any food remaining in the fridge but to
their dismay there was nothing but an expired loaf of bread with mold growing on it Kumar
then suggests that they order some takeout Harold immediately shuts down Kumar's request
attributing his reasons to being broke and not owning a single dime to his name since
his last retail job they both then mutually decide to go for a midnight stroll and find
the nearest fast food venue to relieve them of their Munchies dude look there's a McDonald's
down there I think we should hit it up do we have a choice there isn't a White Castle
or any other restaurants open Mr hairy nuts as they approach the McDonald's They encounter

something bizarre in front of the parking lot there lied an enormous piece of round
bread with a huge slice of cheese on top of it the pair stood there dumbfound why would

the staff own such a large piece of bread in front of the restaurant like that and how
did such a food exist in a dimension that size nonetheless Harold brushes the notion

off as some silly promotion for an upcoming hamburger at McDonald's as the two head over
to the front they notice that the restaurant was closed and the only way they were going
to get food was at the drive-thru that's when Kumar storms off towards the drive-through
menu standing at like a hungry dog hoping to get an end to his munchies when the pair
finally came to a consensus and what they wanted to order they approached the drive-through
window and found a large bundle of red cotton protruding from the inside due to my tripping

are you seeing what I'm saying looks like strawberry cotton candy okay well I ain't
eating that it probably has debris and bird crap in it out of nowhere the red cotton yanked
through the window and into the restaurant the two glanced in the window trying to find
any staff that might have been lurking inside I'm not loving it dude I think I'm hallucinating

is that are you that's when a giant face of Ronald McDonald appeared from inside the drive-through

window the pair couldn't comprehend if they were faced with a behemoth In the Flesh or
if this was just a figment of their Under the Influence stupor the clown then makes
it clear that he wasn't pleased with Kumar's remark saying don't ever talk bad about my
Luscious Hair like that you little rodent
dude this is some kind of robot like those animatronics at Chuck E cheese I'll get a

hamburger sir yeah I'll get a hamburger too would you both like to be a part of the grand

promotion of the Big Mac it's a new McDonald's hamburger

uh sure dude as long as we get our food ASAP we got the munchies

I'll take care of it dude credit card please well unfortunately there's no ATM around here

yanking him inside what the hell is going on Harold tried prying the window open with

his bare hands but it was locked from the inside he then tried opening the front door
but it wouldn't budge and a fit of hunger Harold heads back to the drive-through window
and begins slamming his face against the glass while yelling open the door I'll make sure
McDonald's fires you you stupid clown some something catches Harold's eyes that made
him run towards the McDonald's pole and climb in an instant Ronald McDonald climbs up the
drive-through revealing himself to be a giant a modern David versus Goliath Harold held

on for dear life staring up at the eyes of the Leviathan The Clown then pinches the pole
and begins to shake it around while Harold screams for dear life
I bet you use them taking it on the pool the clown then grabs Harold and tosses him toward

the front of the restaurant landing on the enormous bread topped with cheese that's when
the giant began to maniacally assemble the so-called Big Mac suffocating Harold with
another piece of bread he then topped it off with a few condiments and then finally the

crown to top it all off my territory the world will now me we shall rule all fast food chains

and restaurants I love it I'm loving it

[Music] a lot towards the end of last year I needed my body to be in the right condition

for The Big Year I was planning on having and I wanted to be ahead of the curve so instead
of waiting until January I got the jump on the New Year's resolutions and started working
out around the end of November I hadn't gone to the gym in a while but I knew how it usually
went with the guys there I don't like getting cat called and stared at constantly so I would
always work out late at night however there was one guy who I didn't mind too much when
he cat called me I know that's a bad thing to admit but I liked it it wasn't the definition

of handsome to most people but to me he was the sort of guy that I found attractive for
some reason we said hi to each other every night as we were both consistently going around

the same time eventually as our conversations grew we ended up working out together one

thing led to another and suddenly I was going on dates with him and bringing him home to
my parents my parents had friends all said the same thing that he looked like some kind
of Frankenstein at the time I acted super offended on his behalf I always thought he
was different from the other guys I dated in the past for instance he used to do this

thing every time we were together where he'd tell me to hold up my ring finger then he'd
grab it really tight and say together forever and that really deep voice of his of course

I would respond back with together forever and he'd let go when it came close to New

Year's he invited me over to his house for a dinner party to meet his family it seemed
important to him so I agreed unfortunately when I got there the Romantic fantasy I was

deluding myself with started to fall apart I knocked on the door and my boyfriend answered
bringing me inside the first thing I noticed was that the house smelled horrible I wanted
to throw up so bad but was somehow able to hold my composure the next room over was the

kitchen the lights were off but I could see his father sitting at the table hunched over
slacked God and drooling every few seconds his neck would twitch but other than that
he was motionless his lifeless eyes just staring off into space and his younger son was no

different he stood in the corner with his back to us staring intently at the old-fashioned

clock waiting for the new year countdown I noticed that the clock was several hours off
but I wasn't sure if any of them knew I could also see his mother by the same and for some

ungodly reason she was washing the family cat and the cat was just as big scout as the

rest of them but somehow it was the most normal looking living thing in the household seeing
the whole family together and realizing just how distorted their features were make me

sick to my stomach what all my friends were saying this whole time finally clicked in
my head they all looked like relatives of that weird malformed poop from The Goonies

I reluctantly took my seat at the table and hoped the night would go better my boyfriend
went to fix me some food by the kitchen counter leaving me to sit awkwardly with his father

with two hours left until midnight I tried to make small talk with him do you have a
wonderful house what do you do for work
don't want to talk huh I understand so um how'd you meet your wife I couldn't get a

word out of that man I'm not even sure he's a liar I shivered in fear and stopped trying

to make conversation after an eternity passed my date came back with a plate of food when
he put it down in front of me I couldn't help but gag as it was just a can of cat food on

a crusty plate I kindly rejected him saying I wasn't feeling hungry and had lost my appetite

that's when he started yelling at me saying what my mom worked hard on cooking that for
our New Year's party you better eat it oh it's just cat food I can see the can on the

counter he never yelled at me like that before I was shaken up but when I called him out

on the cat food he flipped out even more he gave me this look on his face that a toddler
would make when they didn't get what they wanted what made things more disturbing was
how he started to act like one two grabbing a handful of the cat food and shoving it into

his mouth seeing a fully grown adult act in such a manner was one of the most disturbing

things I had ever seen the next hour was really awkward his mother came in from the kitchen

to it with us I was hoping that she would be talkative but she looked no less brain
dead than her husband we all sat there in complete silence while all of them stared
off into space except for my day he glared at me the entire time unable to move on from
being mad at me for not eating the slop I was offered I checked my phone and 12 am had

finally hit it was officially New Year's the mother stood up and kissed the father but

what made things all the more bizarre was when she hobbled over and kissed a little
brother and then my day when I said kissed I don't mean a simple peck on the cheek it

was a full out kiss on the mouth that's when I knew there was something seriously wrong
and I needed to get out of there as soon as possible but before I could even stand that
giant freakish man was looming over me he grabbed my ring finger in a vice grip and

started chanting together forever together forever together forever and that's when I

heard his family speak for the first time together forever together forever together

forever he started squeezing my fingers so tight that I thought he might break it oh

stop it
stop it shut up let go of me shut up

stop it why are you doing this what's going on I couldn't comprehend what was going on

all I remember was fighting against this grip like I was fighting for my life when I finally
got free I bolted straight out of the door it was snowing outside but I didn't waste
time putting my coat or shoes on I kept running down the street until I was far enough away
to be sure that I wasn't being followed I then called the neighbor and went home I thought
about calling the cops but I had no idea what I'd even say to them since then I ended up

blocking his number and canceling my gym membership just so I can move on and forget all about

it foreign [Music]
[Music] this is one of the most psychotic stories on the channel brace yourself it happened

years ago at a McDonald's located in Millville New Jersey the photo is intentionally blurred

for obvious reasons so the majority of you may already know what's going on but for those

who don't here's a dramatized version of the alleged occurrence

one day I took my daughter out as she passed all of her exams in school and we decided
to indulge in some Big Macs so as we entered through the glass doors I was concerned when

I saw my daughter hide behind my back shaking she tugged on my pants what's the matter with
me I thought you loved this place I asked patting her on the head to calm her down then

moments later without uttering a word she pointed a trembling finger at The Man by the
counter who was staring at her with a terrifying gaze and unsettling grin at first glance it

was apparent that he was one of the staff however among all the employees there he was
the only one who stood out and not in a good way hence I approached him and asked excuse

me is there something on my daughter's face if you've got a problem just tell me the man
didn't say anything instead he laughed and repeatedly glared like someone with a mental

I didn't want to offend him even though he gave

me the creams but I couldn't understand why the restaurant would hire someone like him
I noticed how much free time he had on his hands since most staff and customers avoided
him ninety percent of the time treating him like a ghost I felt sorry for him at 1 point

because he might have been suffering from a condition that no one else understood so
after leaving my daughter on the chair I approached the man and allowed him to take my order I'll

have two Big Macs two large fries and two Sundays please I'm sure you want those baby

I wouldn't order those if I were you and why is that I wouldn't want you to lose those

mercurs how about some cardio at my house later to sweat off the mccalleries unfazed

I replied politely no thank you my daughter and I have been here several times before

and we order the same thing every time once again he laughed tumultuously catching the

attention of everyone in the restaurant I felt so embarrassed that I instantly regretted
giving him a chance

so as I raised my hand to call for another staff member the man grabbed my arm tightly

and handed over a Happy Meal box with his other hand saying don't worry baby I'll go

get your order here's a Happy Meal for our date later Netflix and chill baby

he was so creepy and unprofessional to say the least there was a small glimpse of Hope

when he gave us a free Happy Meal but that of course didn't last when I opened the Happy

Meal box it was empty the only thing there was a small hole cut out in the bottom I instinctively

wanted to strike the man in the face however seeing my daughter's face reminded me that
I was here to celebrate with her so to avoid ruining the mood I simply handed him the payment

and ignored him all the way through mom I want to leave my daughter said still trembling

like she did earlier honey that man is not going to hurt you besides I'm right here I

told her hoping she'd be more at ease but then she pointed to the man again and said

he's still looking at me though as I turn my gaze toward the man he was there idling

an elbow on the countertop constantly giggling as he eyed my daughter maliciously for a moment

he reminded me of the Joker who laughed like a maniac minus the green hair or the famous

purple suit
later on I saw him conversing with the restaurant's manager and while he was being reprimanded

all he did was laugh finally having lost his patience the manager began to threaten the
man saying if you don't do your job you're fired you got that you piece of [ __ ] so

as the other employees attempted to pacify their manager The Joker was left with a warning

if he didn't do his job today would be his last some customers were actually spooked
by what they saw prompting them to leave the restaurant so moments later when I was called

to the counter to finally get our Big Max fries and ice creams that was persuaded to
do the same thing as I took the paper bag containing the food I noticed the lunatic
Snicker saying I hope you enjoy your meal I had a little extra sauce in there I reluctantly

extended my gratitude and left with my daughter then as we got into the car my daughter opened

the paper bag and grumbled about a foul stench so naturally I took a closer look and when

I brought it to my nose I accidentally dropped the paper bag instantly recognizing the source

of this putrid scent hence I picked it up again and upon inspecting the contents I saw

a brownish substance with the soil's texture however based on my experience I Knew Too

Well that it was something a lot more unpleasant than near soil holding my daughter's hand
I stormed back into the restaurant and yelled where's the manager I used to speak with right

now one of the concerned staff approached me and asked what seems to be the problem
ma'am perhaps there's a way I can help you without having to inform the manager the young
man pleaded tell your tell you this restaurant for poor sanitation and service I replied

with my arms akimbo the manager must have heard me screaming and so he left the office
and approached me apparently concerned ma'am how can I help you I threw the paper bag on
the floor with animosity and said

the manager picked up the paper bag and upon sniffing it he almost threw up moments later

the maniac who had taken my order earlier came to the dining area laughing incessantly

I told you I added something extra he exclaimed without a tinge of remorse is wrong with you

you're not gonna get away with this whoever told you I was trying to get away [Laughter]

he said laughing minotaurily then in the blink of an eye he grabbed the paper bag took the

burger pinned me against the wall and shoved it in my mouth how do you like the taste it's

rather unique isn't it he said his mouth drooling and his eyes round and menacing the manager

and the other staff tugged on the lunatic shirt until he fell to the floor the remaining

customers contacted 9-1-1 and soon the culprit was arrested for the next couple of weeks

my daughter would invite me to Burger King instead unable to move on from The Joker at
McDonald's that's when I realized that he wasn't autistic and that everything he did

was intentional [Applause] [Music] thank you

I'm a 46 year old male that used to attend a high-end University I got into a school

at a late age and was studying to be a doctor one of my professors was suddenly absent for
an extended period of time without warning and without much explanation as to why he

was gone or when he would be coming back we were left with someone who will call Mitchell

as our substitute Professor Mitchell was one of those guys in the kiss up to Apprentice

to tenured professor pipeline it was very smart and unofficially taught several courses

at the school Under the wings of a handful of professors who treated him like some kind
of academic Prodigy at the end of the day though he was just a student like us of course

I saw all this about Mitchell years ago and I made sure to be his friend mostly for studying

purposes he would call us Study Buddies as a grown man being the quirky geeky personality

that you almost have to be in order to be as smart as Mitchell was it looked the part
too like the real life stereotype of a nerd in the 80s he had the big buck teeth with

braces the thick rimmed glasses the lame haircut the same boring outfit every day and he was

always carrying a stack of textbooks under his arm when he was going anywhere I found
it amusing when he used the same Fork he ate lunch with as a pointer during his lectures
but from being his study buddy I always knew he had an uncomfortable obsession with taking

the same Fork around in his pocket everywhere he went everybody was doing poorly in Mitchell's

class people were dropping out like flies and it wasn't because he didn't know what

he was talking about it was purely because he was the most gigantic and uncompromising

hard ass he could possibly be about everything Mitchell would cuss you out and humiliate

you in front of everyone if you got one of his questions wrong it was just funny how
these quiet little geeky people show their true colors the second they get a bit of power
I was the closest thing he probably ever had to a friend but but that wasn't enough to

catch a break one day I was so close to failing that I pretty much begged this man for Mercy

hey Mitchell I appreciate that you're teaching the course while the professor's gone but
if I'm being honest I'm kind of struggling right now do you think there's anything you
could do to help me out like maybe some extra credit there's no such thing as extra credit
here but if you need a little extra help I'd be happy to offer you some extra lessons and
tutoring outside of Campus ah sure that'd be great my place like usual dude this isn't

a study buddy session dear friend you are my pupil this time it is only customary that
I should host you in my home while I teach you sure I'll see you there when I got there
later that day I remember Mitchell greeting me as he oddly wore his lab coat the house

seemed totally normal from the outside but from the inside I saw that the majority of
the space had been turned into a homemade laboratory eventually the two of us sat down

by the coffee table and got to business Mitchell was hopped up on a lot of caffeine Maybe something

else too and was talking a mile a minute like he was reciting the entire textbook of the

course by memory I was struggling to keep up but I think it was psyching me out more
than helping me learn anything after a little while Mitchell excused himself to the bathroom

wow that coffee's hitting me right in the Bread Basket I gotta take a crap be right
back left alone I took another look around the room

that's when I heard a strange low noise I couldn't tell what it was but it made the
hairs on the back of my neck stand on end then I heard it again and this time I was

sure that it was a person for a moment I really thought it was the sound of Mitchell grunting
animalistically while he rushed his business on the toilet but I realized it was coming
from the wrong direction in the corner of Mitchell's home lab was a set of Hospital
currents that were drawn around something the sound was coming from behind them I stood

up and began inch closer the sound was now way more audible the grunting was definitely

a distressed human I reached my hand out and quickly yanked back the curves and saw the
most disturbing blood curdling thing I have ever seen but right there was a hairless man

laying on top of a hospital bed he was hooked up to a ventilator and stood conscious but
I could see an IV drip in a heart monitor hooked up to him it was apparent that he clearly

wasn't being healed here his face and body were unnatural looking and I could tell that
there was some kind of amateur plastic surgery being done on him then it hit me like a ton
of bricks this was my professor the one that had gone missing from school he had been here

the whole time I almost threw up at the realization

that Mitchell was responsible for all of this knowing that he was a complete psychotic med
student with disturbing intentions I could barely recognize my professor he cried silently

as he stared at me clearly begging for me to save him and then his eyes wided

slowly he tried to quietly close the curves but when I turned around make sure he was
standing right behind me I was quick enough to jump out of the way and managed to get

around Mitchell and Sprint out of the house when I got to the gas station on the corner
I stopped and pulled out my phone to call the police by the time the police responded
Mitchell had disappeared Without a Trace however he didn't leave before taking a piece of his

pet project as a momentum approximately seven days later they discovered Mitchell hiding
in one of his relatives home Mitchell was immediately apprehended and put behind bars

as for the professor he miraculously survived and went back to teach the same classes he

now has to wear an eye patch for the rest of his life but what makes my skin crawl was

how it was revealed that Mitchell targeted vulnerable elderly people who trusted him
as a friend student or doctor part of me still thinks Mitchell wanted my eyes like he did

that professor foreign

the new year was just around the corner and I wanted to celebrate it by going downtown

for the countdown I knew it was tedious since it would take me an hour to reach my destination

but it couldn't be helped because I had no one else to spend New Years with what a bummer

I had to live in Canada moving away from family and friends in the U.S to accept a once in

a blue moon offer that would hopefully help Rectify my family's Financial issues so even

if I didn't want to be alone sacrifices were necessary an hour passed and I finally arrived

downtown surrounded by a massive crowd of about a hundred people
then the New Year eventually came enticing every couple and family member to land a kiss

on the cheek or lips of their loved ones it was a bitter pill to swallow but I must admit

that I was dejected envious of all the people who had someone to share this special occasion
with nonetheless there was no reason for me to stay in hibernation mode in my apartment
as I watched the fireworks flutter in the sky all I could think about was what New Year's
resolutions I had planned to set for myself for the following year as I was bombarded

with the soaring crowd I started getting bumped and pushed around like I was some kind of
super featherwing then moments later I was pushed from behind by some random woman who

held her boyfriend close to her I looked at her and I could tell she was dismayed by my
presence so infuriated she gave me her two cents saying you'll watch her see you're stepping

on me don't make me link up my shorties or rush you little ways you did before I grabbed

my Ting still not wanting to add more insult to injury for the night I simply apologized

they moved away having lost my enthusiasm I decided to shrug it off and wait for the

bus heading home when it finally arrived I wasn't surprised to see that it was empty
after all everyone else was still downtown partying to their hearts content I used to

have to sign alleviated my negative emotions by listening to some Christmas songs on my
phone when I finished paying for my bus fare my peripheral vision caught sight of a seemingly

friendly couple sitting at the back of the bus seemingly smiling from ear to ear they
sat still with their eyes glued directly towards the seat in front of them not saying a word

this gave me the impression that they were easy to interact or have conversation with
so instead of avoiding the opportunity to make new friends I decided to approach them

however as soon as I sat across from the couple hoping to start my first positive interaction

of the New Year the man's smile changed into something more malicious as he scanned my

body from head to toe oblivious to his girlfriend sitting beside him as terrible as the this

may sound what I thought would be the start of a friendly conversation gradually became
awkward making it difficult to understand their behavior toward me aside from the creep

and appropriately checking me out his girlfriend seemed a tad Bazaar wearing Shades despite

it being nighttime however it was too late to back out now and so I forced a smile and

said Happy New Year guys how to go dismissing my effort to approach them the man winked
at me and said hey there beautiful you looking hot tonight I definitely take you out if you

insist I didn't know how to respond to that so I kept my mouth sealed as I glanced at
his girlfriend who remained smiling like she wasn't bothered at all feeling more Awkward
than I already was I nodded my head ever so slightly and thanked the man for his compliment

thanks I appreciate that at one point the bus drove across about the road where the
girls Shades came off her face and dropped to the floor revealing something so frightening
that I wanted to get off the bus immediately there she was a woman looking happy yet gone

all at the same time staring directly at me with a pair of round pretentious eyes a void

of Darkness surrounded them giving me the impression that she hadn't slept in ages I
tried to look away however the couple's spying chilling gays would remain so knowing there

wouldn't be another bus stop until an hour later I had no choice but to moments later

we came across another bump and that's when the girl's head snapped to the side a little

past 180 degrees landing on that guy's shoulder oddly enough the man didn't seem to care at

all he didn't even take a moment to glance at her he appeared to be so fixated on me
that he forgot about her as the woman continued to stare I could see her eyes begin to drip

with blood like she was some kind of Bloody Mary in the flesh I was completely horrified
and grossed out constantly checking the time on my phone hoping I could just get off the
bus then moments later the man asked hey would you be a helpful little girl and help me bring

my drunk girlfriend home four hands are better than two right anxious and pessimistically

cautious I politely declined thinking it could all just be a part of their scheme however

the man frowned unable to accept my reply well I'm not asking you to I'm telling you

to my body trembling I held my ground and said I said no she is not my responsibility

besides you're more than capable of taking her home I don't care you will do as I say

you understand I need your help please ma'am [Music]
and without holding back the Man Shattered the glass window next to him with unbelievable

strength and rage by slamming his fist against it hi with all the Rockets back there the
bus driver hollered mind your business old man attention grew as the bus driver stepped

on it accelerating his speed don't provoke me boy he came to a sudden Hall glanced at

the crazed man and said get off this bus now I sat in a fear unable to move a muscle as

the creep chuckled ominously heedless of the driver's words what if I say no this doesn't

have to get ugly boy I'll say it one more time get the hell off the bus while I'm calling
the cops they glared at each other for a moment until the creep finally caved in and then
he picked up the woman on his shoulder her eyes still open as they both left the bus

the bus driver proceeded to drive off I managed to arrive home safely falling asleep almost

instantly due to the stress but when I turned on the TV to watch the news the following
day the reporters spoke of a man wanted for a potential murder case upon seeing the photos

on the screen I covered my mouth in disbelief as I recognized them as the man and the woman

from the bus that night I couldn't help but throw up that morning wondering if that woman
was even alive to begin with recalling how she stared at me the entire time we were on

the bus.



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