The Little Man - Animated Scary Story


In New York City
hundreds of people pass away every
single day some die naturally some are
murdered and others take their own lives
akin to other light cities around the
globe employees of the medical
examiner's office are tasked with the
transporting of the deceased from the
scene of the death to the city morgue
where an autopsy is performed or
directly to a mortuary where the coroner
has determined on scene that an autopsy
is not necessary this is the story of
one of those workers Sara and a

co-worker from the medical examiner's
office attend to several call-outs per
day sara has struggled with remaining
impartial to what she encounters at each
scene as the removal of a body can be a
very grim detail bloody and damaged
bodies are bad enough but badly
decomposing bodies are much worse these
very unique and unforgettable odor and
can often be bloated with maggots than
other insects at the end of each day
Sara returns to her apartment which is
far from where she has spent most of her
day however the scenes of what she has
witnessed are at the very forefront of
her mind on this day as with any other

she enters her apartment and switches
the light on

she then heats up some food and tries to
erase her mind of everything she has
seen while she eats
she's never too successful at this
though as her mind begins to analyze
each and every death one by one thinking
about the life the person led their
birth the first day at school their
happy times and sad try as she might to
switch off she fails you see Sarah's

husband passed away over 12 months ago
the pain of this loss is still all too
real for her and she just hasn't been
able to let it go she showers for over
an hour
letting the water run over her head and
down her body in a sense hoping that the
hot water will take the sting away with
it as a cascades over and away down the
drain suddenly the light goes out not

perturbed by this at all she just stands
there sighs loudly and realizes that
this will be as good a time as any to
shut it off and head to bed she fumbles

around in the dark and manages to find a
box of matches and a candle she lights
it and slowly carries it to her bedroom
going through the events of the day in
her head one more time and preparing her
mind for the next

she goes to bed and has a broken
restless sleep waking several times with
the images of the dead and the face of
her lost loved one the next day is more

of the same more dead bodies some that
had died naturally some that were
murdered and some that took their own
lives upon coming home again Sarah goes

through her usual routine
she eats showers

and then takes herself off to bed
however this time as she goes to switch
the light out she senses something in
her doorway someone or something is
standing right there she switches the
light back on and it's gone she's frozen

with fear as she's certain that she just
saw a little man standing in her doorway
she stares at the doorway and calls out
nothing several minutes go by she wants

to run but to where she would have to go
out that door regardless she can't move
she can't remember when she last took a
breath as she exhales and slowly inhales
again she notices a hand at the doorway
and then a faceless head slowly comes

into view from the side Sara pulls up

her covers closer to her face as the
little man enters the room and
disappears out of her view she stares

off into the darkness and then she sees
him slowly coming to you rising up at
the end of her bed she looks closely and

then can make out his face

it is indeed a little man
Serra stares back at him from behind her
covers trying to scream but nothing
comes out and he comes closer
he sits himself down in front of her and
then he speaks he tells her not to worry
he won't hurt her
he just wants to talk and over the next

several hours that's just what they do
they talk they talk about all sorts of
things at life as a child her marriage
her husband's death and how much she has
struggled with her work and her life
since his passing their conversation

goes on late into the night and by the
end of it she finds herself feeling so
much better so much better in fact that
she sleeps all the way through until the
morning for the first time in over a
her day at work is once again nothing
out of the ordinary and when she comes
home she feels so clear and relaxed she

heads to bed and settles in feeling so
comfortable and content just as she's
dropping off though she feels the
presence of something behind her she
wakes turns and stares closely at a
small envelope on her bedside cabinet
the shocking realization of what is
about to happen to her is overwhelming
she replays the scenes of death in her
mind she now recollect that each and
every one of them had the exact same
envelope in the room each and every time

she knew she was about to join them she
had made her choice and she regretted it



"The Little Man"

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