The Kiyotaki Tunnel - Japanese Urban Legend 1 - Animated Scary Story

In Kyoto prefecture in the Kansai region
of the island of Honshu in Japan the
town of saga kyo taki is home to the
mysterious and haunted kyo taki tunnel
the tunnel is 444 meters long and with

the Japanese word for for sounding the
same as the word for death
this tunnel Ward's off all who are
superstitious or weak of heart it was

constructed in the late 1920s by slave
labor and its purpose was to enable a
railway line to be built connecting the
town to the neighboring arashiyama City
the working conditions were appalling
and the dangerous environment coupled
with frequent earthquakes led to the
death of many of its workforce over the

course of the construction dozens of
workers lost their lives and some were
left to rot where they fell

others were given a final resting place
only a short distance away from the
tunnel the railway line was eventually

replaced with a roadway and in the years
since they've been several accounts of
strange and terrifying happenings within
the tunnel walls there have been

sightings of strange apparitions and
even the ghosts of the deceased workers
appearing in people's vehicles as they
pass through

sometimes voices can be heard with an
array of screens and mutterings
emanating from within the darkness

others claim to feel nauseous when they
enter the tunnel some put this down to
the poor air quality caused by excessive
exhaust gases others say it's more than
that as there is often an acrid stench
of death in the air which lingers inside
the car for hours post passing through

motorists also have claimed that their
car feels like it's being buffeted by
strong winds as they pass through and
when they exit their car is covered by
dirty handprints
but have also been claims of a
terrifying woman in white who haunts the
entrance to the tunnel at night her
featureless face tears chillingly at all
who enter and she's been known to cause
fatal accidents by jumping into the path
of oncoming traffic for the most part
you'll be quite safe when you drive
through Key Otaki tunnel however you
must avoid looking into your mirror at
all costs if you see your own cops
looking back at you
four days later you will die a horrible

The Kiyotaki Tunnel - Japanese Urban Legend 1 - Animated Scary Story

"The Kiyotaki Tunnel - Japanese Urban Legend 1"

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