The Abandoned Hospital - Animated Scary Story

I received a call the other day at work

from an old high school buddy who I
hadn't seen for several years he asked
how I was doing to which I gave him a
standard answer work was fine family oh
well and then I enquired as to how he
was doing he said he was doing well and
then we went on to talk in detail about
all times the one thing we spent the
most time talking about though was when
we were seniors and the night before the
big game my buddy and I were two of the

best players on our school's basketball
team we had made it all the way through
the playoffs and into the final after
our last training session before the big
game we were both really nervous and
couldn't sleep
we'd been messaging each other through
the night and decided to head out for a
walk together rather than lie in bed
idle with our minds racing
we met on overpass that was equidistant
from our homes it was near an old
abandoned hospital that hadn't been
occupied for several years since it had
been condemned for significant
structural issues it had fallen into
complete disarray and was now a refuge
for the homeless and the stray we talked

about what the future would hold if we
played well tomorrow college scouts may
pick us up and then we would be set my
friend said all he wanted was to get a
scholarship into medical school as it
was his dream of becoming a surgeon I
just wanted to play ball that's all
after talking for around an hour a light
went on in the abandoned hospital
building behind us
followed by some faint yet chilling
crying and screaming of a young child we
both couldn't just stand still and
listen to this
so we decided to go and investigate was
this a good idea well keep listening and
you tell me we went up to the top floor
and found the room but the light on the
screams had stopped however we were
still feeling very uncomfortable as to
what we might find so I grabbed a pipe
and my buddy a piece of wood as
makeshift weapons in case we needed to
defend ourselves or rescue someone we

entered the room and as we did the place
went completely dark I called out to my
friend who called back and then the room
changed it was terrifying it went from
being the abandoned room with broken
glass and debris strewn everywhere to
what look like an old operating theater
no one was there but we could see it was
just us and this creepy old and cold
we were both bewildered as to where it
had come from and what it all meant
moments later
my buddy screamed out as his ankle gave
way and he fell to the ground in
excruciating pain
he had twisted it somehow and could no
longer stand on his own at this point
the room changed back to the same trash
filled room devoid of any humans and we
both agreed it would be best if we got
the hell out of there as quickly as
possible my friend not being able to
walk properly required my assistance and
it took us ages to make our way down
multiple flights of stairs to the ground
along the way we heard a baby laughing
which was the final swirl and it felt
like an eternity and we had made it
safely back to the bottom into the night
we went into an emergency room for my
friend we reported what had happened at
the abandoned building which the nurse
only half believed however she did
arrange for a police car to be
dispatched out there to check it out we
never heard the result the next day my

friend's foot was in a cast his ankle
had somehow sustained a fracture he was
devastated that he was unable to play in
the big game as it turned out there were
college scouts there and my friend was
unable to showcase his skills and due to
the extent of his injuries still being
unknown he was given no consideration
for a scholarship he was heartbroken we

ended up losing the game that night and
we were shattered we didn't really keep
in touch much post that I went on to
study business at a fairly unknown
college and he went on to become a
computer programmer as without a
scholarship medical school was no longer
in his reach

his dream of becoming a surgeon never
eventuated and I often thought about
that night and how things would have
turned out differently on the court if
he was able to play but as it turns out
the reason for his call was that he
wanted to tell me was one of the best
things that had ever happened to him
really I asked how so he explained that

over a year or so into his computer
science degree he had several fits over
several weeks he was then diagnosed with
epilepsy which would have ruled him out
of becoming a surgeon at least for many
many years with medication he was able
to manage the fits and went on to design
a revolutionary research software
package for children's hospitals which
had untold current and future benefits I
told him I thought this was fantastic
but had to ask why he chose to develop a
software package for children's
hospitals he said he didn't really know
but after what happened that night in
the abandoned hospital and after not
winning a scholarship something had
continued to drive him to lend a hand to
medical science somehow we talked for a

few more minutes before ending the call
promising to catch up again sometime
soon both knowing we probably wouldn't
when I think about that night I really
have no explanation as to what it was we
saw or what happened to my friend I
guess I'll never know


"The Abandoned Hospital"

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